- v.理解;彻底了解;弄清真相
- fathom的过去分词和过去式

N-COUNT 英寻(度量单位,等于 1.8 米或 6 英尺,用于指水深)
A fathom is a measurement of 1.8 metres or 6 feet, used when referring to the depth of water.We sailed into the bay and dropped anchor in five fathoms of water.
我们驶进海湾,将锚抛进 5 英寻深的水里。
VERB 透彻理解;深入了解;弄清…的真相
If you cannot fathom something, you are unable to understand it, although you think carefully about it.I really couldn't fathom what Steiner was talking about...
Have you fathomed out how to work the video yet ?
had believed that all the riddles of the universe could be known and fathomed ,
They are different from writer in that they have no occasion to talk about what they have fathomed in life .
As a man cannot be known by his looks , neither can the sea be fathomed by a gourd .
After more than a decade of scrutiny , his nature remains enigmatic and his depths not quite fully fathomed .
Its full impact has yet to be fathomed , but will include global economic slowdown , reduced trade , more competition for credit and a flight to safety among investors .
There is a Divine mystery in suffering , a strange and supernatural power in it , which has never been fathomed by the human reason .
The oyster 's secret was partially fathomed as early as the5th century , when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell .
By contrast with this practical pessimism , Socrates is the prototype of the theoretical optimist who , with his faith that the nature of things can be fathomed , ascribes to knowledge and insight the power of a panacea , while understanding error as the evil par excellence .