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美 [ˈfeɪ]英 [ˈfeɪ]
  • n.事实;行为;契据
  1. I 'm new here so I 'm not completely au fait with the system .


  2. They became increasingly annoyed that they were being presented with a fait accompli .


  3. The settlement of the issue must not be conditional upon the acceptance of fait accompli .


  4. Judicial regulation on contractual standard terms & From the principle of good fait


  5. It 's my first week here so I 'm not completely au fait with the system .


  6. Au fait this is an example of a French expression that has become part of the English Language .


  7. Giving an Injection of Penicillin Making Fait Away and Distinguish and Nursing of Allergic Shock


  8. She appears to be au fait to the ways of the world though she is young .


  9. He didn 't seem very au fait with the regulations .


  10. So much , in fact , that many now take the Apple TV as a fait accompli .


  11. We got married secretly and then presented our parents with a fait accompli .


  12. Yet the plan , while a step in the right direction , is far from a fait accompli .


  13. It has spent recent weeks attempting to turn its repayment into a fait accompli .


  14. It says Beijing wants to draw Taiwan into its economic embrace until reunification becomes a fait accompli .


  15. The sudden change of policy was presented to the party as a fait accompli , without any prior consultation or discussion .


  16. Beijing , she says , will extract political concessions from Taiwan with the aim of making unification a fait accompli .


  17. Introducing just enough uncertainty to delay American or joint allied decision-making could give Chinese forces the margin of success necessary to present Washington with a fait accompli .


  18. For those of you not au fait with physiology or anatomy , the enteric tract is the nervous system that regulates digestion .


  19. One likes to hear what is going on , to be au fait as to the newest modes of being trifling and silly .


  20. By creating an irreversible situation and pushing you into a corner , the Fait Accompli tactic uses pressure and threats to win concessions .


  21. The annexation of Crimea was all but accepted as a fait accompli .


  22. Critics in both parties complain that , after frantic private negotiations among a handful of participants , Congress was presented with a fait accompli .


  23. Since Mother couldn 't decide whether or not to buy the dress for me , I planned to buy it myself and present her with a fait accompli .


  24. Kept abreast of the latest developments ; constant revision keeps the book au courant ; always au fait on the latest events ; up on the news .


  25. They are au fait with the latest technology , love travelling to farflung places and are happy to splash out on some of life 's luxuries .


  26. Proved by numerous fait juridique , cross license , though with strong feasibility and superiority , need to be perfected by legislation for its defect not to be ignored .


  27. The Arabs tried to be the first to enter Damascus and Beirut and made the Allies to approve the fait accompli and fulfill their promises .


  28. The miners are likely to focus on pushing the benchmark near to spot market levels , seeking a deal with Japanese customers which can be presented later as a fait accompli to the Chinese .


  29. Indeed , one of her goals was to ensure that if the Fed removed the patience language in March , it would not prompt markets to believe a rate rise two meetings later was a fait accompli .


  30. Europe has shown tremendous alacrity in circling the wagons around its preferred candidate , Christine Lagarde , and may swiftly create a fait accompli by bringing other advanced economies on board .
