- 网络艾露恩;艾露尼;月神艾露尼;伤害输出率

Never again would the Sisters of Elune fail to guide the night elf people .
Priests whisper prayers to evoke power from beings such as Elune the Moon Goddess .
One of Azeroth 's few full deities , Elune is the goddess of the moon .
With her dying breath , she prayed Elune to grant her a chance to avenge her death .
Thus , Jarod sought out one of the priestesses of Elune in the hope that she could heal his prisoner .
Incarnation for Balance transforms the Druid in to the Chosen of Elune Form , which currently increases spell damage done and Solar and Lunar energy generated .
She organized a new all-female army , the Sentinels , and decreed that it would be directed by the Sisterhood of Elune .
Thori'dal Elune is translated roughly into common as " Elune the Unyielding " or " Elune the Merciless " .
His family name was an ancient one , but most night elves had always considered it somewhat odd , given that they were primarily a nocturnal people who worshipped the goddess Elune .
For her part , Tyrande was already a novice in the Sisterhood of Elune and so had dedicated herself to the goddess above all others .
Gradually he directed increasing numbers of petitioners to the new high priestess of Elune , Tyrande Whisperwind , whose compassion and wisdom went a long way toward calming post-war tensions .
Malfurion agreed that the night elves dared not leave Illidan unguarded in the long term , and so he asked Maiev to gather additional volunteers from the sisterhood of elune .
By the time the War of the Ancients broke out , Jarod Shadowsong had risen to the rank of captain in the Guard of Suramar , and his sister Maiev was one of the senior Sisters of Elune .