
美 [ɪˌlæbəˈreɪʃənz]英 [ɪˌlæbəˈreɪʃənz]
  • n.尽力阐述,详尽阐述,精心制作;精心制作的产品;详尽的细节;推敲;努力发展(完善,改进);苦心经营
  • elaboration的复数
  1. The conclusion part sums up the elaborations and gives out the opinion and suggestions .


  2. To correct this impression , we need some elaborations .


  3. The paper also gives explicit elaborations on the high school-based Chinese Curriculums characteristics , the development pattern and procedure .


  4. Elaborations on New Regulations of Tax Refund


  5. Some of the detailed analyses and elaborations of concrete examples of soft news translation are provided in the fourth part .


  6. Elaborations on Treating Liver by Nourishing Spleen


  7. With respect to theories and thoughts on international relations , the historical discussions , elaborations , and interpretations are of primary significance .


  8. According to the function of the sensor nodes in the positioning system , elaborations on all aspects of the circuit on the hardware side are given .


  9. Elaborations on Treating Liver by Nourishing Spleen Infantile RRTI : by Nourishing Both Lung and Spleen


  10. A complete method , with elaborations in all areas , such as descriptions of techniques , provides more extensive guidance on testing than RUP alone provides .


  11. In the first place , this text shows some perfect comprehensions and elaborations to the development of the Juvenile Criminal Justice System from the macro view angle .


  12. This thesis launches three partial elaborations from advancing the university campus cultural innovation with " taking the student as the main body " on the campus cultural construction .


  13. The above expert 's elaborations let us know the product credit itself is the producer 's credit , is the culture meaning and is the annotation of the enterprise humanities .


  14. Finally , it makes exhaustive elaborations about the strategies of develop and implement the school-based Chinese curriculums among ordinary high schools from the angles of some principals and Chinese teachers .


  15. At the cultural level , elaborations are given from the translation of culture-loaded words and some rhetoric devices which can reflect cultural discrepancies , such as metaphor and personification .


  16. Enables the people through these elaborations to understand quite systematically ' The eight friends of Zhushan ' ceramic art , and its researcher will provide the valuable basis to the future .


  17. From the author of " Huandi Neijing " to his following medical men , the traditional Chinese medical culture has made thorough understandings and accurate elaborations on Corresponding of Human and Nature .


  18. There are different elaborations about the implication of Well-Being among the scholars of all times and in all over the world . Many scholars through the ages are thinking how to obtain the Well-Being .


  19. Besides promoting the artistic value of the text , elaborations on the themes have become a way for the novelist to experience the noble spirits and also an embodiment of the commentator 's mind .


  20. Regarding the FDI position choice , the location theory and compromise theory of international production have carried on the good elaborations to it , which shows that there is a certain theoretical foundation for the differences in regional distribution of FDI .


  21. Now all , look be like casual , but I elaborations of the results , at this moment , I especially want to a rain , because of that I 'm in it , even if tears will not be found .


  22. What astonishes us most is that some abstruse and penetrating elaborations in Huangdi Neijing , though made 2000 years ago , have revealed some achievements which are being or to be proved by the modern science .


  23. Then , the paper also explores the senses of the verb take by quantitative and qualitative analysis from cognitive perspective . They are divided into three categories : the basic central meaning , the elaborations of take and the metaphorical extensions of take .


  24. In the fourth and fifth part there are elaborations in detail about the design ideals , flow charts , state machine of the presence service , instant message , automatic callback and voice mail , and all kinds of modules of the terminal software .


  25. Completely automated theorem provers , such as model checkers , operate on an abstraction of the problem . , as a whole , is comprehensive by taking in all kinds of factors in consideration , but too abstract and inoperative without further elaborations .


  26. Any of various central structures , such as the spinal column , or standard abstract lines used as a positional referent . , as a whole , is comprehensive by taking in all kinds of factors in consideration , but too abstract and inoperative without further elaborations .
