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  • 网络舒张末期血流速度;舒张末期容积;舒张末期流速;左室舒张末期容积;舒张末容积
  1. The end diastolic velocity EDV of PCA was significantly lower ( P < 0 05 );


  2. Results LV global function : EDV : ( 74.4 ± 11.3 ) ml ;


  3. Discussions on Necessity of Establishment of EDV System in China


  4. Can increase PSV and EDV to improve carotid blood flow ;


  5. The formation hypothesis forms the chief foundation of elastic deformation vadose theory ( simply the EDV theory ) .


  6. EDV < 10cm / s in vertebral segment artery , and its frequency spectrum shape was abnormal .


  7. Ovarian stromal blood flow PSV and EDV in group A was significantly higher than that in group C ( P < 0.05 ) .


  8. Conclusion The structural remodeling of left ventricle appeares in early stage after the implantation of pacemaker with EDV increased or decreased .


  9. Objective To assess the relationship between the endogenous estrogen and endothelial-dependent vasodilatation ( EDV ) in simple obese women .


  10. Left or right anterior cerebral circulation infarction patients had significantly lower CCA EDV when compared with non-cerebral infarction patients ( P < 0.05 ) .


  11. ( 4 ) left ventricular ejection fraction ( EF ) and end diastolic volume ( EDV ) were measured by AQ ;


  12. Results : Ed σ M , Es σ M and left ventricle end diastolic volume ( EDV ) reduced in different degree pre and post replacement .


  13. Shunt group before and after blocking the carotid artery in patients with PSV , EDV , MV , PI dropped significant , statistically .


  14. The parameters of hemodynamics are composed of PSV , EDV , TAV , RI and S / D.


  15. Clinical application for monitoring of PSV , EDV , RI and determination of β - HCG , Prog in the diagnosis and treatment of early ectopic pregnancy


  16. EDV , ESV , and LVEF were calculated using Simpson 's rule algorithm for monoplane LV angiography , using M-mode method for two-dimensional echocardiography .


  17. There was no statistical significant difference in EDV between MRI and Echocardiography . But ESV measured by MR was higher than Echocardiography . Other parameters were lower than Echocardiography .


  18. And , 10 diseased cases were selected randomly for measurement of long axis of left ventricular chamber , and calculations of its EDV , ESV and EF were made .


  19. However , accompany with the risk stratification increasing ( worse than moderate risk ), the PSV and EDV became lower and RI , PI were higher ( P0.05-0.01 ) .


  20. The end diastolic and end systolic volume ( EDV and ESV ) of left atrial appendage ( LAA ) were measured with the disk summation method of 3DE .


  21. The parameters were EDV ( end diastolic volume ), ESV ( end systolic volume ), EF ( ejection fraction ), PER ( peak ejection rate ) and PFR ( peak filling rate ) .


  22. RESULTS : There was statistically significant difference for global LV function parameters ( EDV 、 ESV 、 LVEF ) between normal group and MI group ( p < 0 01 ) and there were not statistically significant difference between normal group and ischemic group .


  23. Conclusions Compared with premenopausal women , the postmenopausal women has more serious impaired EDV and higher PAI-1 activity although the two groups of obese women have the same insulin resistance . It seems that estrogen can protect the endothelial-dependent vasodilatation in obese women .


  24. Detection of indicators improved : the treatment group pulp microcirculation index PSV , EDV , RI , hemorheology ESR , whole blood viscosity , plasma viscosity , hematocrit , platelet adhesion rate and erythrocyte electrophoresis , compared with the control group showed significant improvement . 4 .


  25. Left ventricular function had no further improvement 3 months after PBMV . Conclusion Left ventricular function of most of the patients was improved as EDV increased after PBMV , especially early stage after PBMV . MVA was the most important factor which influenced the left ventricular function .


  26. 20 normal subjects ( 40 eyes ) and 29 patients ( 44 eyes ) with chronic glaucoma were performed color Doppler imaging . The peak systolic velocity ( PSV ), the end diastolic velocity ( EDV ), and resistive index ( RI ) were determined .


  27. Results The end diastolic velocity ( EDV ) of central retinal artery ( CRA ) were decreased and the resistance indexes ( RI ) of CRA were significantly higher in intraocular hypertension group ( P0.01 ) and normal intraocular tension glaucoma group ( P0.05 ) .
