
美 [ˈediɪŋ]英 [ˈediɪŋ]
  • v.旋转;起旋涡
  • n.涡流
  • adj.涡流的;旋转的
  • eddy的现在分词



  • 1
    N-COUNT (水或气流的)漩涡,涡流
    An eddy is a movement in water or in the air which goes round and round instead of flowing in one continuous direction.

  • 2
    VERB 起漩涡;旋转;杂乱无章地移动
    To eddy means to move round and round, or to move in a disorganized way.

    The dust whirled and eddied in the sunlight...


  1. The crowds were eddying into the road .


  2. The Variational Principle of Eddying Current Problems in an Electromagnetic Field


  3. Analysis on Eddying Flow Burner of Domestic Gas Range


  4. An Experimental Investigation for Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Characteristics of Eddying Flow Tubes Under Different Shell Support Conditions


  5. And where their pursuer kept them eddying round and round at his pleasure ;


  6. This article analyzes the principle of eddying flow burner of domestic gas range , and introduces the design principle of eddying flow burner .


  7. The Rhine flowed on , swirling and eddying , at six or seven miles an hour .


  8. In order to get higher energy transfer rate and optimum comprehensive performance of the heat transfer system , the best matching geometrical parameters of W shaped single eddying tube are sought by optimize design .


  9. Has this been thus before ? And shall not thus time 's eddying flight Still with our lives our love restore In death 's despite , And day and night yield one delight once more ?


  10. Using the electric eddying flow position sensor as the fundamental unit , and with the application of dynamic null point sampling technology , the column stress monitoring and protective systems of the main columns in the 100 MN hydraulic press have been established .


  11. Magneto-optic imaging technology is a new method of eddying measurement , which not only preserves the merit of conventional eddy current inspection , but also realizes the visual NDT of sub surface 's minute defect by replacing measuring coil by laser .
