- adj.眼尖的;目光锐利的;观察敏锐的

The eagle-eyed policeman immediately noticed the spot of blood on her dress .
An eagle-eyed tourist found the suspicious package .
One eagle-eyed collector snapped up a pair of Schiaparelli earrings for just £ 6 .
Map operation includes the function of eagle-eyed viewing , chart level controlling and other various operating of tool strip .
News will pop up fast , and you 'll have to be eagle-eyed to take full advantage .
The eagle-eyed reader may have spotted that we supplied an image descriptor directly to the action .
An eagle-eyed accountant who monitored every expense .
And the ills of the federal budget can be cured simply by having an eagle-eyed leader go through it line by line .
The pictures show four likely planets that appear as specks of white , nearly indecipherable except to the most eagle-eyed experts .
The uninhabited island caused a stir several years ago when eagle-eyed Google Earth users realised that it looked like a clumsily scrawled heart .
The tool will help eagle-eyed parents spot when their child issues a P999 , also known as a parent alert , to make their online friends aware their parents are around .
But eagle-eyed observers have spotted clues as to the painting 's provenance in some of the people depicted , and some people guess the painter may be Chinese .
Eagle-eyed viewers will notice that Southgate 's vest is fitted without being tight , which Davison and Stammers say is key .
Eagle-eyed fans will have noticed Ngog has grown in stature since last season following a conscious effort to toughen up to the rigours of English football .
An eagle-eyed Twitter user named Chris Olson noticed that in the image 's background , his laptop camera and microphone jack appeared to be covered with tape .
But many eagle-eyed viewers suspected something was not quite right , and PBS later admitted as much : It had spliced in firework footage from previous years with live shots .
The main function including the main map function ( enlargement , reduces , arrow tool , arrow selection tool , hand tool and so on ), eagle-eyed function , information inquiry , distance measurement and so on .
Film critic Hannah Woodhead works at Little White Lies magazine , she told ITV News she 'll be much more eagle-eyed now one of the secrets of Hollywood is out of the bag .
But the eagle-eyed host snatched the bills and said some bad words to the cabby , calling him a worthless parasite for discriminating visitors . The host threw half the amount at the driver and told him never to return .