
Does Honeywell have its own E430 read for prime time ?
Little more has been revealed about the E430 , other than some technical specifications and that it can operate for up to three hours without a charge .
At the OshKosh AirVenture show a few weeks ago , Beijing startup Yuneec International took the wraps off the world 's first commercially produced electric aircraft , the E430 .
And while the E430 may be the aircraft equivalent of an auto show concept-car , there 's a good deal of progress being made in the advancement of electrical aeronautics on the whole .
Powered by lithium polymer batteries , weighing close to a thousand pounds , and sipping about $ 2.50 worth of electricity per hour of flight , the E430 has completed more than 20 hours in test runs during the last couple months , including one in Camarillo , CA , that can be seen here .