- n.(购物时的)首付款

The first stage would involve a credible " downpayment " on reform and agreement on the scope and timing of more fundamental reforms to be undertaken in a second stage .
Highlighting the contrasting fortunes of China 's two-tier property market , the central bank last month cut the minimum downpayment requirement on mortgages outside of top cities from 25 to 20 per cent , in a bid to boost demand .
This is more like a downpayment , or a deposit , if you like .
In March it also lowered the minimum downpayment required on second homes .
This is more like a downpayment , or a deposit , if you like
You can borrow against your home or other property to come up with downpayment money .
So at this point , I don 't care where he gets the downpayment .
Downpayment companies registered capital of100 million yuan .
They appealed to citizens because they did not demand downpayment .
The downpayment for first homes bigger than 90 square metres was set at a minimum of 30 per cent .
However , we will continue to provide loans for downpayment to allow the sandwich class a wider choice of home in the private sector .
Tight money policies make it necessary for us to turn down loan requests from many clients or to increase the downpayment requirements on mortgage and installment loans .
The authorities now require a40 per cent downpayment on mortgages for a second home and developers sitting on unused land face tougher penalties .
If you haven 't begun saving anything for the downpayment , and are racking up credit card debt , there 's a gap .
The central bank recently cut downpayment requirements for those buying a second property to 30 % from over 60 % , the same level as first-time buyers enjoy .
In one letter to regulators , the bank called for the government to define safe mortgages as those with a downpayment of at least 30 per cent , a level higher than most competitors want .