- v.发放救济;以小份发给
- dole的现在分词

Many scrollbars are quite parsimonious in doling out information to users .
I can 't keep doling out money to you kids .
So some companies are rewriting the rules for doling out financial incentives .
You must strive to get the most important projects completed properly , rather than doling everything in a half baked way .
Finally , a question about something important , Hawking reportedly responded , before doling out some serious wisdom .
The close proximity of the guy doling out the money and the people who stand to get it makes some people nervous .
Imagine the size of a lightbulb when doling out portions of fruit .
And when it comes to doling out favors , talk to Doug .
The shrinks are doling it out like candy .
The company says it has already started doling out some of the money it has put aside for customers interested in making the switch .
Doling well the cashing work possesses important significance on doing well the accounting calculation , strengthening the financial management and guaranteeing the security and completeness .
How , then , could the parties again and again have overlooked epic when doling out the cash ?
The realisation that an ailing financial giant on government life-support was doling out money to highly paid bankers caused a chain of extraordinary reactions .
Ciliv has the clout to be doling out advice .
" What are you doling ?" she once demanded over the intercom .
We can keep doling out corporate welfare to big oil companies-or we could keep investing in the renewable energy that creates jobs and lowers our carbon pollution . Priorities . Choices .
and now you 're doling out compliments .
In the past , many parents and educators believed that high self-esteem predicted happiness and success , and that it could be instilled in kids simply by doling out trophies and praise .
But more important than these factors has been the clever tactics employed by the pro-GM lobby , which even include according to some of our interviewees doling out free GM seeds .
Alas , this isn 't a fairy tale ; it is a common tale of office romance in which the doling out of prizes goes according to harsher rules .
Doling out extra money could boost productivity most if you make it clear that the pay raise is something you 're choosing to do just because you can . Our theory is that people will reciprocate .
His two specialties were doling out exclusive interviews with his clients to journalists he had cultivated and coming up with memorable ad campaigns that created brand awareness for products such as microchips .
girls and women with whom I had commiserated countless times about hair , weight , all of it , doling out sympathy and praise , just as I expected it heaped upon me : beautiful , too .
Many local governments have established science and technology funds to help struggling entrepreneurs in their districts . But the going rate for such funds now involves a kickback of about 30 per cent of the handout for the officials doling out the funds .
Investors were supposedly becoming worried that the company was doling out too much equity , so Travis Kalanick allegedly approved this new system in 2015 , which helped the company save millions of dollars by significantly reducing what it offered to applicants .
U.K. Sport is almost done doling out GBP 312 million ( about $ 488 million ) to teams and individuals for the London cycle ( 2009-2013 ) , up from about GBP 265 million spent for Beijing ( 2005-2009 ) .
Doling out extra money could boost productivity most " if you make it clear that the pay raise is something you 're choosing to do just because you can . Our theory is that people will reciprocate . If you do something nice , they 'll do something nice back .
Statements from the two bidders come in the wake of reports the International Olympic Committee had been planning to resolve the 2024 competition by offering the losing candidate the opportunity to host an Olympiad by doling out the 2024 and 2028 editions at the same time this September .