- v.证明…是错误(或虚假)的
- disprove的第三人称单数

This disproves the theory that children are purely imitative .
This disproves the theory that " more is better " .
The whole of human history disproves this viewpoint .
I think the last election kind of disproves some of that * did that make sense ?
Every so often , science disproves the thinking behind a deeply embedded habit we have .
To refer to something in an experiment that proves one of two hypotheses and disproves the other .
So what 's this , then ? The exception that disproves the rule ?
The hypothesis of the product competitiveness circle , which is put forward in this paper , somehow disproves the classical evolution theory of the market structure .
The research also disproves the notion that standards drop later in life , as women over 55 were shown to be most picky about who they date . "
The author indeed disproves the theory that fifty is the new thirty with anecdotes in every chapter and don 't forget to check out the useless surveys included .
It disproves the conventional viewpoint on allocation of resources , and brings forward a novel proposition that social capital is the other ways of allocation of resources besides market system and governmental system .
Evidence that refutes or disproves .
But now scientists claim that the regularity of the mass extinctions actually disproves the Nemesis theory because its orbit would have changed over time as it interacted with other stars .
This paper disproves the conclusion by a counterexample , and with the help of the concept of upper-semicontinuity , proves the connectedness of efficient point set and weak efficient point set of the set .
Levin said there 's enough research out there that disproves this idea , including a recent study in the United Kingdom that tracked 13000 kids over 10 years and was unable to show any negative effects from kids who played games when compared to those who did not .