- vt.剥夺(某人)的权利(尤指选举权)
过去式: disenfranchised 现在分词: disenfranchising 过去分词: disenfranchised 第三人称单数: disenfranchises

White supremacists devise new Methods : To disenfranchise Negroes .
A disenfranchised person cannot vote or hold office .
I feel disenfranchised from this world , and it hurts .
Service cuts are felt more keenly by those on lower incomes who may already feel disenfranchised .
Many of these stateless people are among the world 's poorest ; all are the most disenfranchised .
It became a channel through which a few from the disenfranchised classes moved up the social ladder .
They will want to make sure that everybody was voting , and people were not disenfranchised , " said Stewart .
By holding the control of the education , you disenfranchise conservative Jews who are resisting this Greek influence .
My state of Alabama , like a number of states , actually permanently disenfranchises you if you have a criminal conviction .
White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes .
British people are effectively disenfranchised with little effective control over how they are governed with our law all but inaccessible to ordinary people .
The white knight swooping in to save the disenfranchised .
Poynton says at the moment , the indigenous population feels disenfranchised from the planning process for the forests .
Since September 11 , 2001 , biological weapons seem to have become the weapon of choice among the disenfranchised militants of the world .
So I spoke out on youth unemployment and education and the neglect of the marginalized and disenfranchised .
Some disenfranchised samurai , especially Christian ones , found themselves in places like the Philippinesand Siam .
Sluggish post-crisis growth in the US and Europe is unlikely to be strong enough to reduce already high unemployment – especially for disenfranchised youth .
At the same time , Aguerre notes , it has always been able to find young , disenfranchised Basques to join its cause .
We 're tired of being politically disenfranchised .
It is about a boy from a disenfranchised family who lost his little sister 's shoes and went through many adventures for a pair of replacement .
Tax rises often have greater impact on the upper-income elite ; service cuts are felt more keenly by those on lower incomes who may already feel disenfranchised .
But actions of this type will actually benefit the majority of poorer citizens ; those billions of farmers and countryside dwellers who are now largely disenfranchised .
The prospect of half the country feeling disenfranchised and led by a president they do not support is alarming enough for foreign diplomats who are anxious for stability in Afghanistan .
They feel disenfranchised and demoralised .
They say the point of a vote was to send a message about how some people in rural Colorado feel disenfranchised , ignored ore marginalized because of greater focus on urban areas .
Those are the kinds of connections that we had to make in the beginning to help one another , she said . For so long we had to figure it out for ourselves because we were so disenfranchised .
Does such a system have the flexibility to manage the country 's myriad challenges , both of a prosperous and increasingly demanding urban middle class , and a large , poor and often disenfranchised farming community ?
Democrats argue that such provisions have the effect of disenfranchising minorities , young people and the poor , who are more likely to lack suitable ID than other groups ( and who mostly vote for them ) .
A hardened and increasingly sectarian underclass on each side - disenfranchised mainly Sunni rebels and the regime 's mainly poor Alawites - is bearing the brunt of the battle .
Some leading senators have blamed al-Maliki for his mismanaging Iraq politics and fueling the violence by disenfranchising Sunnis but the Iraqi prime minister says all Iraqis Sunnis , Kurd and Shia have been victims of terrorist bombing .