
  • n.不满;不平,不满


a longing for something better than the present situation
Synonym: discontent discontentedness


  1. Discontentment drives you to want to do something about it .


  2. The manager is afraid that worker 's discontentment with the new policy may affect the product quality .


  3. However , it also reflects general masses ' culture demands and their discontentment and protest .


  4. The problem of modernity results from modernity , and means people 's discontentment to modernity .


  5. It circuitously expressed people 's discontentment to the flaw of new life .


  6. Responses from these major powers were clearly full of indignation and discontentment .


  7. " Hunger breeds discontentment , fresh to the first " . Food is the material basis for human survival and development .


  8. Human agony mostly derives from discontentment .


  9. " Hunger breeds discontentment "," basic necessities of life " in the " food " embody the diet activities in human life importance .


  10. And so much of public envy or discontentment , and the difference thereof from private envy , which was handled in the first place .


  11. Hunger breeds discontentment , feed with food for the first , vegetable is the indispensable human daily life information , which is special for fresh agricultural products .


  12. This envy , being in the Latin word invidia , goeth in the modern language , by the name of discontentment ;


  13. Therefore , it would by accurate , delicate and comprehensive to describe the process of Weng ' an Incident as discontentment stimulations attacks .


  14. Hunger breeds discontentment , and dwelling places are important for the ordinary people . Housing is the basic material prerequisite for the people 's right of existence .


  15. God calls us to repent of discontentment and learn to rely on his grace when it comes to our shortcomings and weaknesses in life .


  16. Its victory of the legislative election reflects the electorate 's strong discontentment against Israeli and their disappointment to the Palestine Liberation Organization .


  17. As the psychological basis and mental factors of Theory of Expressing after Discontentment , the concept of " qi " in the poetics of Han Yu also plays an important role .


  18. Being involved in Sino-Britain and Sino-France negotiations and excluding Chinese diplomats , Hart caused discontentment from Zeng Jize .


  19. The concordance priority index and disconcordance priority index of the theory can be used to disclose the character of the evaluated object from degree of contentment and that of discontentment .


  20. The college students ' sense of inferiority can be classified into five factors through exploratory factor analysis : nervousness or anxiety , discontentment , flinch , sense of unsafe and sense of low value .


  21. In the formation of adjectives ," Zi " is used as affix to enliven the expression , even a little bit excessive in meaning , showing the additional color of fondness or discontentment .


  22. Hunger breeds discontentment , safety is the supremacy for food . With the improvement of living standards in the new century , the requirement of food is not only fresh and delicious food , but also food safety quality .


  23. As ancient says , hunger breeds discontentment . Especially in our days of building a moderately prosperous society , we pay special attention to the quality of food supplement , i.e. food safety . So the safety of food becomes a significant issue concerning with peoples ' immediate interests .


  24. Levine 's discontentment with the show was allegedly further displayed at the NBC Upfronts presentation , where he sang at what a source described as an " emotionless " performance alongside his fellow judges Blake Shelton , Kelly Clarkson , and John Legend .


  25. Freudians say that unhappiness is the inevitable result of the clash between our natural drives and civilization 's needs . ( As my friend Deborah the psychologist explains it : " Desire is the design flaw . " ) The Yogis , however , say that human discontentment is a simple case of mistaken identity .
