- vt.把…(与…)分开;(通常指为避免麻烦或指责)(同…)脱离瓜葛,(与…)分清界线,(和…)一刀两断
过去式: disassociated 现在分词: disassociating 过去分词: disassociated 第三人称单数: disassociates

VERB (通常指为避免麻烦或指责)(同…)脱离瓜葛,(与…)分清界线,(和…)一刀两断
If you disassociate yourself from something or someone, you say or show that you are not connected with them, usually in order to avoid trouble or blame.I wish to disassociate myself from this very sad decision...
VERB 把…(与…)分开
If you disassociate one group or thing from another, you separate them....an attempt by the president to disassociate the military from politics.
He proposed that the Council should disassociate itself from such behaviour .
I wish to disassociate myself from this very sad decision
I intend to disassociate from all related disease machinery .
She disassociated herself from the organization when she found out the identity of the president .
In the future , the interface might be disassociated from the device entirely and moved into our bodies .
The component to disassociate the smart tags from .
In other words , we need to disassociate the computer from the current employee and assign it to the new employee .
The cleft side alar cartilage lateral foot is disassociated , replaced and fixed into the normal place .
Campbell had moved to disassociate himself from the more extreme wing of his party .
He wondered how any child could not become cold and disassociated when faced with terror and violence all around them .
His judgment , which was almost wholly disassociated from hope , held itself aloof and soared on high .
By simulation , the influence of disassociated distance on recombination efficiency and the influence of injection and recombination on EL efficiencies are thoroughly studied .
Displays the source control dialog box to allow you to remove selected items from source control and permanently disassociate the items from their present folders .
While the code is still within the JUnit framework , the data table and code are disassociated and are managed entirely by IRAD .
However , the ambassador disassociated himself from this deputy 's remarks and denied that warplanes had been used .
The existing security label for the column will have to be disassociated and a new security label attached if column security label is to be modified .
A detail kinetic analysis deduces the microscopic kinetic constants of the hydrolysis reaction and the disassociate constants of the metal ions with the protein .
Data and metadata are encoded within XML and transported as ASCII strings , disassociating the values from their physical representation by the host architecture .
Unfortunately , we can 't disassociate ourselves from Europe , the things that are happening there do affect us . And that 's unfortunate fact .
Meanwhile , supervisors in the factory launched a systematic intimidation campaign against rank-and-file members to force them to disassociate themselves from the new union .
Industry diversion from developed countries to developing countries continuously , which evolves industry international division . Different value chain units disassociate and distribute in global market . Resource flows beyond country boundary .
It was disassociated to 3 mm of post-corneal limbus on the sclera and formed a sclera bag .
To disassociate identity from professional status , therapists recommend taking pride in characteristics that can 't be stripped away & virtue , integrity , honesty , generosity .
Complications included 1 case of disassociated inferior epigastric artery , 1 case of operation in wrong anatomic layer , and 1 case of laceration of the peritoneum , respectively .
Somehow in the20th Century , perhaps because of the pragmatic revivalism that resulted from the second great awakening , Calvinism became disassociated with evangelism .
In the limitless realm , there is no segregation between self and others ; In all periods of time , past and present , it has never been disassociated with the present instant .
For a quite long period the world trade in agriculture products has disassociated from the multilateral trade system of WTO ( former GATT ) and has been out of the bounds of trade rules and regulations .
The collagen fibrils of NaCl and STPP treatments disassociated more thinner tropocollagen fibrils which liked disordered silk thread and separated from each other .
Even though most of us recognize the fallacy of placing too great a value on appearance , our desire for physical beauty is so ingrained in us that we cannot disassociate ourselves from it .
Fund manager Pimco quickly disassociated itself from " bond king " Bill Gross 's temperamental leadership style after his departure , with a marketing campaign that highlights a reasoned , team-centric approach .