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Distribution of catecholamine-containing cell bodies in the human diencephalon
Direct projections from the ventral diencephalon to the spinal cord in the cat
Effect of Different Wavelength Lights on the Expression of c-fos Gene in Hen Diencephalon and Mesencephalon
Conclusion : Diencephalon and temporal tumor tends to manifest initially or prominently with mental symptoms .
Projections of diencephalon onto the mesencephalic periaqueductal gray matter in the rat
Afferent projection from the diencephalon to the prefrontal cortex in the rat & fg study
Distribution of NPY-immunoreactivity in the diencephalon of female rats
SABC Research on Localization of Orexin A in the Diencephalon of Quail
Objective : To study afferent projections from the diencephalon and brainstem to the orbital cortex ( OC ) .
The heart is a thin-walled tube containing erythrocytes . It is ventral to the head paralleled with diencephalon .
Orexin A ( OXA ) antigen in the diencephalon of quail was detected by using immunohistochemical method SABC .
The distribution of phosphorylated p44 / 42mapk in telencephalon and diencephalon of adult cat
During acute endurance exereise , the synthetic process of diencephalon 5-HT occupied superiority , whereas the process of catabolism had not clear change .
Cerebral , is the encephalon and diencephalon .
The contents of glycine in whole brain , diencephalon , and hippocampus and brain stem was significantly increased as the animals ′ tolerance to hypoxia was increased .
In the brains , vacuoles were mainly apparent in the telencephalon , the diencephalon and the cerebellum .
Results : NOS1-positive neurons were distributed in wide areas of CNS including cerebral cortex , hippocampus , dentate gyrus , diencephalon and brain stem .
Afferent projections from the diencephalon and subcortical telencephalon to the prefrontal cortex in the rat & a WGA-HRP study
The laterodorsal tegmentum ( LDT ) neurons supply most of the cholinergic tone to the brainstem and diencephalon necessary for physiological arousal .
Objective To observe whether having the direct projections from the diencephalon to lumbosacral Spinal cord in rat and to put forward the morphological evidence to further research that diencephalon directly modulates the sacral parasympathetic nucleus .
Afferent projections to the dorsolateral area and the dorsal area of the caudal part of the midbrain periaqueductal gray from telencephalon and diencephalon in the rat-the retrograde transport technique of HRP study
By methods of chronobiology , the effects of chrono-exercise on the circadian and amounts of glutamate neuro - transmitters in Rat 's three brain levels ( stem brain , diencephalon and telencephalon ) were studied .
The results showed that after noise exposure , the ACTH level and the corticosterone level in serum increased , but the content of DA in diencephalon decreased , the weight of adrenal gland increased , while that of thymus and spleen decreased .
In the research of mouse visual system , the Slits guidance molecules were proved that they could repel retinal axons in vivo and involved in axon path-finding , thereby , assisting to define the site in the ventral diencephalon where the optic chiasm forms .
WGA-HRP was injected into the dorsal part of anterior cingulate area , prelim - bic area , and dorsal agranular insular area of the prefrontal cortex in 25 rats to observe the afferent connections from the diencephalon and subcortical telencephalon .
Microinjection of α - interferon into lateral ventricles or periaqueductal grey matter might induce marked increase in the pain threshold in rats . But the concentrations of 5-HT and 5-HIAA in telencephalon and brainstem did not show any change , and only in diencephalon the 5-HT obviously decreased .