- n.德卡;德克;美国德克;德克电池

The Logic Circuit Design of Deka - Value Threshold Gate and T-Gate
Research on Deka - value TTL Gate Circuit
Discussion about the Circuit of Deka ? value TTL OR Gate and POS Loop Gate
His engineering and design company Deka , which employs 400 in an old mill in Manchester , N.H. , has partnered with Coca-Cola .
The Deka value T gate is a kind of multi functional and general logical unit . It has independent perfection function , and it can realize any combination logic and sequential logic .
" The next bubble may be under way in some markets ," says Matthias Danne of Deka , the largest provider of open-ended property funds in Germany .
The arm that the woman used to help herself to a drink is a lightweight device developed by DLR , Germany 's Aerospace Centre , as part of its robotics programme . The other , known as a DEKA arm , is being developed in America specifically as a prosthetic for those who have lost an arm .