
  • n.解密;解读;翻译


the activity of making clear or converting from code into plain text
a secret key or password is required for decryption
Synonym: decoding decryption


  1. The Decipherment and Ideal Construction of Business Enterprise Value


  2. Urbanization and Environmental Issues : A Decipherment of Cultural Lag Theory


  3. Theoretical decipherment of scientific development of the Fengxian Industrial Park of New and High Technology


  4. Design and realization of string encryption / decipherment algorithm in VFP


  5. An important corresponding relation of seat function exists in decipherment point of Pn public key .


  6. This article introduces the principle of encryption and decipherment and the operation process of this arithmetic .


  7. And then , by passing the output into the decipherment process , they could recover :


  8. In particular , any variation in time delay , or distortion in amplitudes , would ruin the decipherment process .


  9. The Link Between Physics and Philosophy & Decipherment and Commentary of Several Copies of " Physics Philosophy "


  10. The Decipherment of the Network Pushers from the Point of the Uses and Gratifications Theory


  11. Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions .


  12. Cultural Narration of Aesthetic Art of the Ethnic Groups & Decipherment of the anthropology of Guizhou minorities ' aesthetic culture


  13. The transmission would then be straightforward , and could be achieved by perfectly standard means ; the decipherment process did not require any further new ideas .


  14. An inscription of a black basalt stone ; gave first clue to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics .


  15. The results show that the model based on neurobiology is beneficial to decipherment and further exploration of higher functions of the brain , such as memory , thinking , etc.


  16. Khorana , and the decipherment and characteristics of all codons .


  17. The Turing machine was the abstract version of such a ' discrete controlling ' machine , and the cipher machines and decipherment machines were physical versions of them .


  18. The translators deconstruct the source text and reconstruct their decipherment , which could be finished once by the four steps trust , aggression , incorporation and restitution .


  19. These analyses disclose the potential components influencing the exon splicing frequency , and provide the clue for further decipherment of novel ASEs creation , splicing selection and transcription regulation .


  20. But on 12 March , when its decipherment was achieved , it was three weeks too late to do anything but wonder how the Naval Attache had found out so much .


  21. When the Bismarck sailed from Kiel on 19 May , the delay of three days or more in decipherment rendered Hut 8 powerless to reveal the secrets of her course .


  22. Quite recently there has been considerable research carried on in an attempt to invent cipher machines for the automatic encipherment and decipherment of messages . Most of them employ periodic polyalphabetic systems .


  23. The domesticated silkworm , Bombyx mori , is an important model of lepidopteran insects . The detailed decipherment of silkworm sex-determination mechanism is the theoretical basis of rearing male silkworm and lepidopteran pest insect control .


  24. The remote sensing exploration of oil and gas is a technology used to forecast and evaluate favorable place for gathering oil and gas in target area , by structural decipherment of remote sensing image and drawing information of hydrocarbon micro percolation , also combining other geological material .


  25. The fifth part is the conclusion of the thesis . Apart from summing the entire thesis up , it emphasizes the realistic significance of decipherment of violence nature . The human will see the hope only by facing the cruel violence and fighting against violence .
