The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out .
The old curmudgeon was talking about the smothering effects of parental duty on creative lives .
Paul : How about to my editor , the old curmudgeon ?
You 're turning into a complaining old curmudgeon !
During my years as the " RUP curmudgeon ," I had the opportunity to visit and observe many customers .
If you leave the theater without a smile on your face , then you 're really a curmudgeon .
Grace and manners that charmed the old curmudgeon ;
It is called the happy : grumpy ratio , and measures how many cheery staff the bank employs for every curmudgeon .
Leading the arguments for the class side is longtime marketing consultant and self-styled industry curmudgeon Peter De Lorenzo .
He was a brooding curmudgeon who thundered against industry , progress and the young science that sought to explain them .
His Curmudgeon column which ran for many years in the Sunday Independent was required reading and was always guaranteed to raise a smile , he said .
To get ahead fast , he writes , " you want to be assigned to a successful curmudgeon , the more demanding the better . "
His last industry job was with IBM Rational Software , where he was known as " the RUP Curmudgeon " and was also a member of the original Rational Suite team .
But rather than grumpily eying them in staff meetings and turning yourself into the office curmudgeon , consider cutting them some slack .
A78-year-old curmudgeon , he enjoyed his modest life as a balloon seller because he shared it with his adventurous wife Ellie .
There is plenty for a curmudgeon to object to . Although the book is subtitled " Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Global Politics , " the black and white maps are not much to write home about .
It 's fitting that he and Auerbach should win one award since Phil is only a little less hated than Red , who lit up his cigars on the bench and did his curmudgeon act with the out-of-town press .