- n.积雨云(常伴有雷阵雨)

Numerical study on Mechanism of artificial modification of cumulonimbus clouds
The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation .
you figured it would induce a phase change from the cumulonimbus layer ?
Thunder is the result of great heat Bursting forth from the cumulonimBus .
A cumulonimbus cloud rises high into the sky and usually produces storms .
A Numerical Simulation on Natural Precipitation Process and Cloud Seeding in Cumulonimbus Clouds with Warm Cloud Base
A numerical experiment of cloud seeding in cumulonimbus
Cumulonimbus is abundant of water , but calculation shows that its precipitable water is less than 3 mm ;
Rorschach Clouds observes the meteorological phenomena described as'Surface observation of a single cell cumulonimbus ' .
Numerical simulation of microprocesses in cumulonimbus cloud (ⅱ) case studies of shower , hail and heavy rain
The decay of a single cell cumulonimbus cloud is rapid and seldom exists for more than half an hour .
We think that the inductive and non-inductive charging processes are primary physical processes for electric structure of the cumulonimbus .
Did you know that a cumulonimbus
A series of numerical experiments have been done to test the seeding effect of artificial icecristals or raindrop embryos using a one-dimentional time dependent cumulonimbus cloud model .
That 's what is technically cumulonimbus .
The classification results can be used to correctly identify land , water , low cloud , middle cloud , cirrus , convective cloud and cumulonimbus , and the segmentation and discrimination results are consistent with the objective facts .
The natural precipitation characteristics and rainfall enhancement potentials are analyzed based on 15 weather patterns from 1981 to 2000 years in Hebei Province . THE NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE NATURAL PRECIPITATION PROCESSES IN CUMULONIMBUS DURING RAINY SEASON IN GUTIAN , FUJIAN PROVINCE
Vertical wind shear made the mean flow kinetic energy into eddy kinetic energy , stimulating the generation of gravity waves . When gravity waves passed through developmental cumulonimbus , increasing the ascent speed in the cloud , making the instability released , thereby produced precipitation .
Combined the fractal dimension with the 2 order statistical features of Gray Gradient Co occurence Matrix ( GGCM ) of 4 kinds of basic clouds pictures ( Cirrus , Cumulus , Cumulonimbus and Layer Cloud ), the clouds are classified and recognized .
Secondly , the research data , which use the cloud classification productions of National Satellite Meteorological Center as types ' labels , are divided into Land , Mixed cloud , Altostratus or Nimbostratus , Cirrostratus , Cirrus Spissatus , Cumulonimbus and Stratocumulus or Altocumulus .