
Results indicated that the synthesized nanocrystals were β - Cu2S with monodispersity .
Using general PET fiber as basic material , coated with ployacrylonitrile at first and then the electric conductive Cu2S .
After tested the photoelectric of CdS / Cu2S bilayers better than CdS monolayer .
The effect of CaO / Cu2S ratio is remarkable and C / Cu2S ratio is not in the presence of catalyst .
The measurments on the flaws of sintering cds / cu2s solar cell by using the laser scanning optoacoustic microprobe
In this paper , we present a new method " Laser Beam Transient Absorbance " to study Cu2S layer growth kinetics in preparing Cu2S / CdS solar cells .
The experimental formulae of Cu2S / CdS solar cell efficiency and the high density Cu2S layer thickness ( junction depth xj ) were thus derived .
Results are summarized as follows : 1 . Cu2S nanocrystals were synthesized in the organic system of TOPO / TOP by using CuO and S as precursor .
The reason for the improvement of the phosphor maintenance is attributed to the improvement of the condition of Cu2S phase , but not that the of luminescent center .
In the experiment found that the CdS thin films without annealing and then depositing Cu2S was easy to fall off , annealing above 500 ℃ the bilayer membrane deficit .
It is caused by Cu2S . In the TL glow curves of CaS : Cu phosphors , a single peak has been observed . The peak temperature is about 120 ?
In the absence of catalyst , but the reduction rate of copper is low , and the effect of C / Cu2S ratio is obvious and that of CaO / Cu2S ratio is very small .