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' We had a mountain to climb after the second goal went in , ' said Crosby .
' Getting nowhere fast , ' pronounced Crosby , ' that 's what we 're doing . '
It did not escape notice that a lobbying firm set up by Lynton Crosby , David Cameron 's election campaign director , had previously acted for Philip Morris International .
" in the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldn 't get away from home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our own , " says Christine Crosby , publisher of Grand , a magazine for grandparents .
To solve that problem , Crosby Menzies has created a non-governmental organization called Solar Cookers for Africa .
Crosby Menzies , a solar power expert in a South African company , described his latest solar cooker called the " Sol-4 " .
A Brief Narration How Crosby Ideology Is Used to Promote Change of Quality Concept
Thermal Calibration on Crosby Safety Valve
Do you like the songs by Bing crosby ? His music is soothing .
They developed a custom denim jacket for Bing Crosby .
Crosby rocked the new look , and from that moment forward denim fashion was never the same again .
I talked to Chris Crosby , a municipal bond analyst at Raymond James .
In 1951 , American singer Bing Crosby tried to check into a swanky Canadian hotel .
Of course , politicians also give up power in a bankruptcy , which is why Mr. Crosby likes Detroit 's bankruptcy .
Shanghai Valve Factory and Anderson Greenwood Crosby Valve names have been recognised as leaders in their business for many years .
Previously , in Greece near the forest , there lived a beautiful spirit , and she is very in love with the ruler of forest Crosby .
What about clark 's connection with Bridgette crosby ?
In an experiment , volunteers who had consumed'high levels'of caffeine thought they were listening to Bing Crosby singing White Christmas even though the song was not being played .
Richard Crosby , a Hong Kong-based partner of Norton Rose , said : " the findings show an increasing willingness among Chinese companies to consider deals outside Asia . "
It 's not the 1950s , you 're not Bing Crosby , and no one expects you to wear a dickie bow .
Crosby one day alone in the forest hunting , Spirit through a confusing him , then gave birth to the half-man , half-horse Cologne .
After today 's game in which Canadian Jamie Benn scored a long goal , team captain Sidney Crosby says his team defended the squad did its job .
This is a film clip from " The Road To Hollywood " showing Bing Crosby singing " Just One More Chance " and " I Surrender Dear " .
Ms Crosby , who once hired her ex-husband as her operations head , warns that when former spouses argue , old patterns of confrontation resurface .
Jeff Crosby has experienced both sides of the expat equation , originally moving to Kunming , the capital of the Southwestern province of Yunnan , to study Chinese in a university program .
I feel quite certain that as a result of the course in filing which I completed at the Crosby School of Business , I can install and operate efficiently a filing system for your organization .
Nowadays , it seems , they are too entrenched on opposite sides of the " war on Christmas , " or commoditising it to oblivion , to remember Bing Crosby 's crooning .
The 175-room , 20-story Ludlow is one of the latest arrivals to downtown Manhattan 's well-established chic hotel scene , which includes the Mercer , Sixty SoHo and Crosby Street hotels .
I didn 't want to admit I chose Marrakech because of a Crosby , Stills & Nash song and that I was travelling to Fez because of the funny hats .
Sir James Crosby suggested the most effective form of intervention would involve the government auctioning its own guarantees in a form that could be attached by lenders to AAA tranches of mortgage-backed securities , issued to fund their new lending .