- n.世界种,遍生种,遍布世界各地的动植物;世界公民,世界主义者
- adj.世界主义的

' You seem to be a genuine cosmopolite , 'I said admiringly . 'But it also seems that you would decry patriotism . '
" You seem to be a genuine cosmopolite ," I said admiringly . " But it also seems that you would decry patriotism . " During hypnosis , it is as though the brain temporarily suspends its attempts to authenticate incoming sensory information .
Cosmopolite contemporary Chinese yard villas , 208 international distinguished personages'honorable mansions , contemporary Chinese knowledge wealth class 's life circle .
I do not set up for being a cosmopolite , which to my mind signify is polite to every country except your own .
They talked of the Florence , the Roman , the cosmopolite world , and might have been distinguished performers figuring for a charity .
The wild goose is more of a cosmopolite than we ; he breaks his fast in Canada , takes a luncheon in the Ohio , and plumes himself for the night in a southern bayou .
My kingdom is bounded only by the world , for I am not an italian , or a frenchman , or a hindu , or an american , or a spaniard & I am a cosmopolite .
I freely assert , that the cosmopolite philosopher cannot , for his life , point out one single peaceful influence , which within the last sixty years has operated more potentially upon the whole broad world , taken in one aggregate , than the high and mighty business of whaling .