- n.科塞尔

On the Historical Position of Coser 's Theory on Social Conflicts
The Study Object , Logic and Precondition of Propositional Theory & On Coser 's methods for studying social conflict
The thesis makes the classification research on the conflict between teacher and student based on Coser 's theories about conflict classification .
This paper argues that the game is the basic spirit of cosplay to justice , a strong interest in the hobby is a strong fortress coser .
This article aims to emphasize the principle of instituting the theory that comprised some propositions through pointing out several shortcomings in Coser 's book The Functions of Social Conflict .
Coser social conflict theory is an important part among the whole conflict theory . The theory he created not only enrich the conflict areas of research , but also play an important role . Then , Coser become one of the best famous conflict theorists .