- adv.丰富地;充裕地

This well-organized , unified course copiously illustrated , amply cross-referenced , and fully indexed .
All you must do is ask sincerely and thank copiously .
Picasso was producing paintings copiously even when he was an old man .
It is copiously illustrated with photographs that are being published for the first time .
Inflorescence copiously branched , forming many spreading and divaricate panicles ;
A new study published this month in the journal Experimental Physiology provides persuasive evidence that women do sweat copiously during exercise .
We ate and drank copiously at the party .
She leant forward and vomited copiously on the floor .
If has artificial me to weep copiously .
The epiphyseal-metaphyseal regions are copiously supplied by vessels entering from the periphery and by the nutrient artery .
The coelomic cavity is also flushed copiously with warm sterile saline , then the fluid is suctioned out .
Prick it , and it will duly release a token amount of blood while peers are haemorrhaging copiously .
The biggest misunderstanding about retail in India , says Mr Bissell , is that Indians consume as copiously as westerners .
In Iraq , where Iran meddles , blood is still being copiously spilt , albeit far less so than a few years ago .
Conclusion Protectin CD59 expresses copiously on primary murine astrocytes , which presumably protects astrocytes from the lysis of complement .
Outside the great distance , Yang Yun witnesses the scene , weeps copiously , the first time sobs the comfort in the telephone , this makes Yang Wei to be moved .
The poet applies the techniques of quoting copiously from many sources , symbolism and stream of consciousness to demonstrate its unique structure and present its power and effect in developing the theme of the poem .
In Chinese teaching , properly quoting copiously from many sources can induce students ' strong desire for knowledge , arouse their learning motivations and enthusiasm , mobilize class atmosphere and widen their range of knowledge .
Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme , so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies . A simple data dictionary can be set up increasingly popular .
' My dear Sir , ' she said , addressing Mr Dombey , at whose munificence both she and Mrs Chick were shedding tears copiously ; ' I think you have overlooked something .
The average seed mass of 7 populations are not copiously correlated both with their population size and with soil parameters in the habitats , which indicates that the average seed weight of a studied population is relatively stable and less influenced .
As for the creation of essays , his strategies and creative arts represented the highest achievement at that time , he attached importance to social reality , quoted copiously from many classics , exploded from his true feeling with less empty talk .
The cat , who famously loves lasagne , hates Mondays and sheds fur copiously , is accompanied in the series by his owner Jon Arbuckle and fellow pets Odie the dog , Arlene and Nermal , his kitten cousin and nemesis .