- n.谜语;复杂难解的问题;令人迷惑的难题
- conundrum的复数

I see conundrums , dilemmas , quandaries , impasses , gnarly thickets of fateful possibility with no obvious way out .
The theory , if valid , would address important conundrums facing particle physicists .
Conundrums constitute a form of humorous expressions in English .
More innovative approaches are required to tackle social conundrums and to clear paths for progress .
Based on the analysis of the characteristics of conundrums , the semantic approach is introduced and the semantic strategies are summarized .
As a form of English riddles , conundrums are usually propounded to make fun .
The analysis of semantic strategies adopted in conundrums will be a great help for better comprehension of English humors .
Conundrums of science ; What is it for ?
All told , output and margin conundrums have pushed down return on capital employed to all-time lows .
The situations in Saudi Arabia , Yemen and Bahrain pose another set of conundrums .
After all the conundrums of Hungary , the second Turkish Grand Prix promises much .
Clarifies the conundrums which are brought by anonymous case , evidence and professional techniques , mainly from a static facet ;
Unfortunately sludge bulking is one of the conundrums of all the traditional and improved activated sludge processes for its poor sludge sedimentation ability .
What prompts the formation of conundrums ?
This thesis attempts to make a semantic study of conundrums for the purpose of analyzing the semantic strategies and exploring the internal mechanism of conundrums .
Even the gurus who position themselves as the embodiment of Old World civility feel obliged to tackle 21st-century conundrums .
But these are mere conundrums and , like the perk itself , something a smart woman can decide on for herself .
That inadequate 67-page document was big on platitudes but small on substance in addressing the ethical conundrums employees face .
Send your workplace conundrums to
One of the eternal conundrums of interaction and interface design is how to address the needs of both beginning users and expert users with a single , coherent interface .
There has been a rush to align systems , capture clients , clarify rules , navigate long-running tax disputes and resolve legal conundrums before the launch .
Such tales often involved assorted comrades banding together to solve interplanetary conundrums , invariably sacrificing self for the sake of society and the universe .
But here are a few conundrums : how can newspapers afford high-brow journalism when advertisers shift more and more spending to digital media ?
With the great changes of social situation , classical pluralism in which Dahl is a main representative has been confronted with more and more conundrums and critiques .
But , these researches mainly focus on the objective observation and static description of the form and content of the conundrum , which cannot provide full explanations for the internal mechanism of conundrums .
Interestingly , had C + + 's support for private inheritance carried over into the Java language , we could use it today to resolve some of the conundrums of the JavaBeans specification .
Seam requires very little setup to begin plugging the gaps in JSF & and for that small effort , it resolves some of the most troubling conundrums of JSF development .
It is one of the chief tech conundrums of the decade : people are flocking away from desktops and laptops and toward mobile devices , but the mobile-ad economy is terrible .
When he came to explain with me upon the doctrines , I found several conundrums which I objected to , unless I might have my way a little too , and introduce some of mine .
It provided many problems often appearing in the long-term judicial practice , many of which are conundrums , hot issues and doubtful matters . This " Judicial Interpretation " provides a legal basis for dealing with these concerns .