- n.工伤赔偿费
- compo的复数

And I began to live just in the same compos 'd manner as before ;
The study focused on the influence of gasfication temperature on gas compos - tions , gas beating value , carbon conversion and gas yield .
An efficient method is introduced to calculate the reflection coefficient and trans - mission coefficient which are used in design and analysis of structural wave-absorbing compos - ites .
The well - being of the country , even the survival of the world , depends on the president 's being compos ( Morton Kondracke )
For an actual compos ? ite girder bridge , three dimensional stresses were analyzed using the equivalent plate element , and the results of the analysis were compared with data from a load test .
Based on theoretical and numerical analysis , this paper discusses cushion function in compos - ite foundation with rigid piles and the necessity of cushion settlement , some valuable conclusions of composite foundation cushion are obtained .
Last Thursday , my son 's dreaded French test was cancelled due to a no-show by the teacher , but because boys need to learn the pass compos , it will take place this week instead .
During melt molding process , the orientation of GF in the composites is influenced by shear rate , and the mechanical properties of the GF / PET compos - ites are optimized at a proper shear rate .
The value of TTI may be used as a compos - ite index of thermal maturity . The bigger the TTI , the higher the sandstone thermal maturity , the bigger the diagenetic grade , the less the preserved sandstone porosity .