Excuse me , sir , is there a commode ?
And I 'm also gonna need to know where your commode 's at .
The application results show this system can meet the requirement of seat commode ware testing equipment .
They just didn 't want to use the commode .
This patent pending product is the modern way to embellish your commode .
I brought this commode chair yesterday , but it ′ s broken now .
When I sit on the commode , I can no longer sit up straight .
Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean .
The lacquer commode was an ornamental requisite that any European royal household just could not do without .
And it 's very near the communal commode .
Eco toilet unveiled in Washington Mount Rainier National Park unveils a commode that uses cedar chips .
Where 's the commode in this dungeon ? I gotta take a squirt .
A clawfoot tub and a disconnected , disused commode are among the seating options in this trashy-chic design haven .
He bounded rather than climbed upon his commode , and resumed his post near the little peep-hole in the partition wall .
He had but three shirts , one on his person , the second in the commode , and the third in the washerwoman 's hands .
' This Siberian commode was listed as the ' most extreme ' in the world where the fear evaporates only after years using it . '
In this paper the author brings forward new method to improve design and installation , according to national standard to solve squat - type commode pipe seeping often to affect environmental hygiene in toilet .
Haunted : you feel you have dumped it and there 's trace on the bumf , but nothing can be seen in the commode .
Brief introduction Our factory is specialized in producing series products of wheelchair , commode wheelchair , commode chair , walker , crutch , stick and arm crutch etc.
The best seller is a sleek commode designed by a former Audi stylist , with a leather seat made by the people who supply BMW with motorcycle perches .
The University of Nevada , Las Vegas chose a colorful commode and the words " Gender Neutral " and " Unisex , " although these terms meet with less than enthusiasm in the transgender community .
As she passed , she caught sight of a dry crust of bread on the commode , which was moulding there amid the dust ; she flung herself upon it and bit into it , muttering
It would not have been much fun to be stuck in a tent next to the commode or flattened on a cot while the rest of the gang viewed a dazzling array of wild animals from the safety of a Land Rover .
Methods The author grouped 346 patients reserved with catheter randomly : experimental group ( 186 cases ), control group ( 160 cases ), then helped the patients in experimental group squat on commode and pulled out the catheter slowly as soon as they had obvious consciousness to maturate .