
  • 网络使商业化


make commercial
Some Amish people have commercialized their way of life
Synonym: commercialize market


  1. The team plan to commercialise the product and are looking for investors .


  2. A second tier of labs commercialise new technologies .


  3. Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky attempt to commercialise a real and vanishing culture .


  4. Each era brings forth transformative technologies that driven individuals commercialise and make popular .


  5. Ask yourself why people might say what they do & does the lead researcher own a company planning to commercialise the technology ?


  6. But despite plans to beef up investment the Chinese have so far been reluctant to commercialise genetically modified food crops .


  7. Importantly , they may be easier to commercialise than other alternatives because they can be stored and distributed using existing infrastructure .


  8. Countries including China , India , Sri Lanka , Thailand and Vietnam are intensively seeking to commercialise nanotechnology .


  9. China has long been keen to commercialise its news media and publishing sectors to transform them from a fiscal burden into a source of economic growth .


  10. Additionally , many organisations use widgets to directly commercialise syndicated services ; you can set up a widget to require a license key before it functions .


  11. In Egypt , SabryCorp , is working with the Desert Research Institute and the Ministries of Agriculture and Research to commercialise novel nanofiltration systems .


  12. The Christmas Day mishap was the second failure of a satellite launch in a year at a time when India is trying to commercialise its satellite launch capabilities .


  13. Zai Lab , a Shanghai biotech company , recently agreed a deal with Hanmi of South Korea to develop and commercialise a lung cancer drug for the Chinese market .


  14. Mr Polman wants Unilever to develop fewer products , but to commercialise them faster such as its newly launched dove hair growth-minimising deodorant for women .


  15. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( CSIR ) has been patenting new findings regardless of whether or not it plans to commercialise its them , says its chief of patents .


  16. This type of bottom-up passion can be especially powerful in a vast country like China , where local companies , seeking to commercialise a product , benefit from domestic demand and can build up Chinese distribution to test the waters before going global .


  17. The billionaires are vowing to build on government research with their own capital to help commercialise low-emission technology , bridging what they call a " near impassable valley of death " between promising concepts and viable products .


  18. Dr Povey , who is also the boss of VLC , a firm set up to commercialise the technology , thinks such devices should be able to reach 1 gigabit per second ( Gbps ) , and do so over greater range .
