- v.使公有化,使集体化(将若干私营农场、工业企业等合并,使之归集体或政府所有)
- collectivize的过去分词和过去式

VERB 使公有化;使集体化
If farms or factories are collectivized, they are brought under state ownership and control, usually by combining a number of small farms or factories into one large one.Most large businesses were collectivized at the start of the war...
...the collectivisation of agriculture.
Most large businesses were collectivized at the start of the war
The Analysis and Design of Sales Management System for Collectivized Real Estate Company
On Collectivized Operation of the Sustainable Development of Higher Vocational Education from Nine Aspects
Meditation about the Collectivized Development of the Economic Regions of the World
Reflections on Strategies for Improving Collectivized Agricultural Services in China
Investigating and thinking on collectivized management in rural medical institutions
The core problem for this is the company is somewhat lack of collectivized operation and management capability .
On the Discrimination of Working Alone in the Course of Village Collectivized of Our Country
Collectivized development of public hospital
The research on the methods and solutions of the collectivized manufacturing company to obtain competitiveness has important realistic meanings .
With the progress of science and technology , many modern enterprises gradually present globalized , collectivized and diversified development trend .
Collectivized mode is an important means to the reform and development of vocational education in school running ; Study on Management of Vocational Education Group
Part 4 dissertates the collectivized strategy .
So it is suggested that we should take full advantage of socialistic market economy , especially develop collectivized agricultural industry and knowledge-intensive service industry .
The company focuses on implementation of the strategy of collectivized and diversified development and the business coves real estate , hi-tech and other fields .
The present condition analysis for Chinese periodical market , the collectivized operation way for the industry of the Chinese periodical and reorganization strategy for industry of periodical assets .
The aim of CETA is to build the theatrical equipment industry as a high-tech , collectivized and internationalized new-style industry .
Modernity in its early stage and industrialization determined the expressive forms of the giant social groups in collectivization and construction , hence a collectivized society with its individual members .
Anarcho-collectivists for example believe that the state and private property should cease to exist and instead the means of production will be collectivized and thus owned by everybody .
The TV channel package is the marketing mode in the situation that the media industrialized and collectivized fast , and it uses for reference of concept of package in commercial realm .
Compared with the developed countries , the collectivized manufacturing companies of our country have disparity in many aspects . To trace its cause , the lag of logistics development has already become the bottleneck .
In the 21st century , M university is coming into the rapid development stage . On the basis of the socialized rear service , the university established the industry group and began the collectivized operation .
Along with the development of the enterprise group and the establishment of parent subsidiary system , the collectivized finance operation with the objective of intensifying finance resources becomes the effective way and necessary measure of enterprise group resource all-in-one operation .
After TV media is industrial and collectivized . The TV station has been developing towards professional channels . The conditions of each channel broadcasts at once , the division of function to each channel and localization gradually come into being .
Besides , regional brand is a collectivized public brand , so it must be promoted and guided by the government , and adhere to the principle " Guided by the government , led by enterprises , coached by intermediaries ( trade associations )" .