- 网络我思;我思想;我思故我在;意识

So it looks like the cogito is really special .
Pre-flective cogito is the sphere of Sartre 's consciousness ontology and the foundation of his philosophy on freedom .
So , the original meaning of " cogito " is to shake together .
Take the three most famous words in all of Western philosophy : " Cogito ergo sum . "
The Quest of Certainty and The Subject 's Predicament On Ego Cogito of Descartes
My treatise will try to get near to the " cogito " of Faulkner and to investigate the unique soul of the writer .
And the proper translation of " cogito ergo sum " is " I shake things up , therefore I am . "
The so-called subject philosophy , namely , the modern metaphysics means all the philosophy that " cogito " or " self-consciousness " is the fundamental framework .
But it is nonetheless homologous with the reflective cogito since it appears as the first necessity for non-reflective consciousness to be seen by itself .
He identified " Cogito " with " existence " by the rule of which the existent object is self-evident , then reached the conclusion that " I think therefore I am " .
Sartre , an important representative of existentialism aesthetics , inherited the tradition cogito of Descarte and phenomenology of Husserl , established his theory on pre-reflective consciousness .
But academic circles have very different comprehension to pre-flective cogito : some advocate that it is only self-consciousness , and some think it 's just object-consciousness .
Jaakko Hintikka created a new paradigm in the domain of interpretation on the " Cogito , ergo sum " proposition , namely the Performatory Interpretation .
The Latin word " cogito " is derived from the prefix " co , " meaning " together , " and the verb " agitare , " meaning " to shake . "
So I conclude , the " cogito " of Faulkner can be summarized as " nihilism - redeem ", which means the profound experience of nihilism and despair and the thirst for redeem .
The simple inseparability of the thought and being of the thinker . Cogito , ergo sum is the same doctrine as that the being , reality , and existence of the ' ego ' is immediately revealed to me in consciousness .