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  1. CHATHAM SYNTHETIC COLOURLESS DIAMOND ── A mixed variety of ⅱ a ~ⅱ b types


  2. Chatham flux-grown synthetic ruby : a new variety with dark coloured cores


  3. Interior Latex Paint is a new type of environmental control health Chatham .


  4. Chatham tears again no matter how tough , you comfort is a sunny day !


  5. In a report last year , Chatham House called the livestock industry the " forgotten sector " of climate change .


  6. Bernice Lee summarises a new Chatham House report .


  7. European analyst Robin Shepherd has been following the crisis for London-based policy institute Chatham House .


  8. Maha Azzam is a North Africa expert at Chatham House , a research organization in London .


  9. Security Analyst Dave Clemente of the London think-tank Chatham House says the international community has few options .


  10. At London 's Chatham House , U.S. policy analyst Xenia Dormandy said that was perceived around the world as weak .


  11. South Asia analyst Gareth Price ( Chatham House ) says it is a no-win situation for the president .


  12. Chatham House warns that escalating trade wars over resources could overwhelm the dispute settlement regime at the World Trade Organisation .


  13. Affected motorists are advised to travel via Chatham Road North and Chi Kiang Street onto Ko Shan road .


  14. Chatham House , Wilton Park , the Financial Times and economist , together with many American publications are all talking about China as a power .


  15. Chatham House associate fellow Stewart Fleming , who specializes in international economics , says the Marseilles meeting should offer one lesson .


  16. Claire Yorke from the London-based research group Chatham House says the internet can be an effective way for extremists to spread their message .


  17. Construction of the permanent Museum of History at Chatham Road South and the Lei Yue Mun Museum in Chai Wan progressed well .


  18. Kate Bailey of Chatham House , the London think-tank , says Britain 's food supply is facing huge change due to shifts in global trade patterns .


  19. Because the event was held under the Chatham House rule I can tell you what was said but not who said it the company executives were more forthcoming .


  20. A variety of Chatham flux-grown ruby with the dark coloured cores developed by the Chatham Company is available in gem markets recently .


  21. But international security expert Paul Cornish from the Chatham House in London says it is too early to call the British operation in Helmand province a success .


  22. Now , says Kerri Brown of Chatham House in London , the territorial dispute with China is giving Washington a new opportunity to woo Tokyo .


  23. But Robin Lowe , a Middle East expert at Chatham House , a London-based public policy institute , said the Europeans have limited diplomatic clout .


  24. Horn of Africa analyst at Chatham House in London , Roger Middleton , says the international community must take some of the blame for the calamity .


  25. More importantly , she is a laureate of the Chatham House prize , granted by the political think-tank for contributions to the improvement of international relations .


  26. The British , says a report from the think-tank Chatham House , still want to hold their heads up in the world but they doubt they can make a decisive difference .


  27. Thomas Cargill from the Britain-based research group Chatham House says Zimbabwe will be one of the topics discussed during President Zuma 's three-day visit to Britain .


  28. The weather might feel right for a taking a dip , but for those on the coast of Chatham , Mass . , now 's not a good time for one last summer swim .


  29. We did not find the same ultraviolet cathodoluminescence peaks with natural diamonds , and believe that they may be characteristic peaks and valuable fingerprints of Chatham synthetic diamonds .


  30. The study shows that Chatham flux-grown ruby has well-developed symmetry growth zoning structure , which is the thin hexagonal layers distributing alternatively and the black core with zoning structure .
