- v.集中;使处于中央的控制之下,把…集中于中央

The company built a new HQ to centralise their administration .
Banks are increasingly able to centralise computer systems and to use common platforms .
With or without treaty change , the euro zone is being forced to centralise powers .
We believe in autonomy and decentralisation but centralise a few core values .
Governments , which must pay for any future bail-outs , will also view any effort to centralise stress tests with suspicion .
The overhaul follows MRM 's decision earlier this year to centralise its China operations in Beijing , reducing its presence in Shanghai .
In a more integrated eurozone , the government fears there could be moves to tighten and centralise financial supervision in ways that harm the UK .
It was just this contact that was needed to centralise the numerous local struggles , all of the same character , into one national struggle between classes .
Over time Wal-Mart should be able to centralise buying and order huge volumes for lots of stores instead of each hypermarket managing its own orders .
Other applications include sharing data and information more easily : in real estate , for example , agents can collect all their property details and pictures on to one server ; insurance offices can centralise pictures from claims .
Chandler was an early advocate of the centralise / decentralise dichotomy , encouraging companies to co-ordinate strategic planning from the centre while leaving individual business units free to get on with the day-to-day running of their business .
Many scrambled to centralise their intangible assets – the intellectual property , brands , trademarks and knowhow that account for 80 per cent of the value of big companies – in low-tax countries such as Singapore , Switzerland and the Irish Republic .