- a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit
- Synonym: penny cent
- a fractional monetary unit of several countries: France and Algeria and Belgium and Burkina Faso and Burundi and Cameroon and Chad and the Congo and Gabon and Haiti and the Ivory Coast and Luxembourg and Mali and Morocco and Niger and Rwanda and Senegal and Switzerland and Togo
The transparent crystals of millimeter dimension and centime - ter needle shaped crystals have been grown successfully .
The average length gauned in the lower extremity was 4.8cms ; and the mean healing index was 34 days per centime - ter .
Experimental result shows voltage of metalline pipe ri - - ses up to 52.8 KV in four seconds , when the organics powder pass th - rough continually a metalline pipe 20 centimetre in Length , 5 centime - tre in diameter .