- v.分类的;将……分类(categorise 的过去式和过去分词,同 catergorized)

Anyone who is not qualified for his or her job should be categorised “ off-staff ” .
I think I 'm still categorised as a new actor .
The chapter offers a categorised framework based on technology delivery and learning mode , classifying all kinds of common learning technology systems .
This research has further enriched the categorised research of soil and basic content of soil database establishment , reflecting the important academic thought ;
Several of the practices outlined here can be categorised as general Test Driven Development ( TDD ) practices .
Children 's eating habits were categorised as " healthy " and " unhealthy " .
The children according to the type of feeding were categorised into three groups : breast feeding , formula feeding , mixed feeding .
It was a legal institution that categorised blacks as property and gave all whites authority over every black person .
It occurs for a large number of reasons , which can be categorised into conductive and sensorineural .
The amount of affection and attention she gave to her child was categorised into groups ranging from ' negative ' to '
Body language , or NVC signals , are sometimes categorised into five kinds : 1 . body and facial gestures ;
Olympic racing is now conducted with boats categorised into one-design classes based on similar weights and measurements .
Some leaders fit more than one category Jack Welch , for example , could be categorised both as controlling and charismatic .
Body language , or NVC signals , are sometimes categorised into five kinds : 1.body and facial gestures ;
By tagging and rating these links , the content of the Web is categorised and rated according to the interests of consumers .
Even today , writers from Southern countries are only published here if they agree to be categorised in the " exotic " category .
The content they were presented with was categorised into four topics : blissful , funny , exciting and heart-warming .
The objects are categorised by different colours , so the vehicle knows it should react to them and how far to steer clear .
We have compiled the full list into a spreadsheet and categorised those featured by their most prominent role to show which types of job dominate the power list .
Like thousands of others , I saw my spontaneous interest in science and the natural world killed by a secondary education that unwittingly suggested that everything was already known and categorised .
They categorised facial dimensions such as the distance between the eyes , then recorded the electrical activity of one brain cell at a time while they showed cartoons to the macaques .
Simplification of Decision tables in Roouh set is order to lead decision rule or categorised rule at the least on the basis of the least condition attribute and minimum redundant attribute value .
In big groceries in Kolkata , eastern India , and other coastal cities , fish is a staple sold in the vegetable section , whereas it is categorised with meat in inland areas .
The secondary education is categorised into VBO ( pre-vocational education ), MAVO ( junior general secondary education ), HAVO ( senior general education ) and VWO ( pre-university education ) .
The five-year clinical study of more than 5000 women found that 94.7 per cent of patients who were categorised as lower-risk by the test survived without their cancer returning and spreading to other parts of the body , about 1.5 per cent lower than those who did receive chemotherapy .
The classic study of how play develops in children was carried out by Mildred Parten in the late 1920s at the Institute of Child Development in Minnesota . She closely observed children between the ages of 2 and 5 years and categorised their play into six types . Parten collected data by systematically sampling the children 's behaviour .