
美 [ˈkæʒəwəlnɛs]英 [ˈkæʒjʊəlnəs]
  • 随意;不经意的;漫不经心


a casual manner
Synonym: familiarity


  1. He was sure that the casualness of the gesture was deliberate .


  2. He fumed at the casualness of the waiter who kept him waiting for half-an-hour and them served half-cold soup .


  3. She introduced herself with studied casualness .


  4. And , thirdly , casualness in the use of the name .


  5. Casualness and mobility are what he is interested in for art creation now .


  6. He also criticised the " casualness " with which some US politicians have discussed war with Iran .


  7. But the point is there is a casualness about life here that 's not as accepted in the U.S.


  8. In today , our discourse on problems has lost the envisioned casualness , grace and tender .


  9. With studied casualness he mentioned it to hilary .


  10. And the uncivilized decision reflects the traits of mystery , probability , subjective casualness and empiricism .


  11. Alan later told a story about a man in the hotel having made a sexual approach , amazing him by its casualness .


  12. But there is craft in the casualness .


  13. In order to avoid the blindness and casualness in the tourism products exploitation , it 's imperative to study the principles of the design and exploitation of the tourism products .


  14. The story is not rare in newspapers and on TV , and the casualness and detachment our people now have developed has amused nationwide concern .


  15. Due to the personal character of labor service and casualness of evaluation , labor service subscription is not allowed in traditional corporation law and in the newly-amended corporation registration management rules .


  16. In addition , according to the record in Cantonese spoken area , this word has four different character patterns , which show the casualness in the usage of words in Cantonese dialect .


  17. He had a casualness about him when he first joined as a young lad which sometimes frustrated you , but he 's matured and has a great strength of character .


  18. In the US , she says , as people continue to sink to lower and lower levels of casualness , dressing up has become a point of real distinction , a way to stand out among the crowd .


  19. With diverse textures and materials , this old-fashioned headwear is still trending , with French clothing retailer Dior Homme putting baseball caps on models wearing tuxedos to add a sense of casualness .


  20. Just as easily , enjoy the laid back casualness of the Breeze Bar with its BBQ by the swimming pool , or the quiet romance of a sunset cocktail in the Aroma Lobby Lounge .


  21. From the aspects of language casualness , abbreviation , nonverbal communication and the use of punctuation marks , the paper analyzes the speech features of English chatting room on the Internet , helping chatters to overcome communication barriers and succeed in communication .


  22. The quantity structure and spatial distribution of land use types in agricultural ecosystem , due to the effect of wetland reclamation , market benefit and policy change on them , varied greatly and frequently ; especially the aquaculture pond , its construction and abandon presented considerable casualness .


  23. " Macro-narrative " , " meta-narrative " emphasize on the aspects of generality , uniform , absoluteness , certainty , authority and centering , and get rid of the elements of difference , variety , casualness and margin .


  24. It is utterly surreal for a Pakistani to watch a fictional imagining of the dreaded strike from the viewpoint of the person ordering it in an American control room : the disconnection , the studied casualness , the presenting of a birthday cake afterward .
