The women with purging disorder said they felt much more full after the test meal , and they reported more stomach discomfort than the bulimic women and the women with no eating disorders .
I was anorexic and bulimic .
Exercise bulimics run themselves into the ground to expend2 the " excess " calories they consume .
It was easier just to leave the relationship than to leave my bulimic lifestyle of25 years .
The bulimic dimension of the work takes possession of genres , styles , images and atmospheres .
Dr. Miao : Well , for example , there is a meeting tonight of our support group for anorexics and bulimics .
It turns out that the patient is bulimic and has been abusing ipecac for years .
The reader feels some sympathy for Galen , whose suffering turns him into a bulimic and self-hating depressive .
Her parents told the researchers that the woman had received therapy for her " bulimic attacks ," and that over the past several years she had experienced periods of overeating .
She is supposed to have been bulimic when she was vounger .
So the next time the office tattler starts to share her suspicions that the new girl is bulimic , make a complimentary transition like , " Have you lost weight ? You look terrific . " She 'll be so flattered she 'll completely forget what she was saying .