
  • n.学者;书商;出版商;书店;好读书者
  • bookman的复数
  1. Some Japanese bookmen and western scholars who study Chinese culture regard her as a recovery and a commerce revolution .


  2. From the above-mentioned works , we can see the changes of the two authors'mentality , in fact this was the reflection of the bookmen 's attitude in earlier Min Dynasty .


  3. It created the space for the development of the bookmen . The rise in the popularity of education was due in part to advances made in printing and the greater availability of books .


  4. With the opening of book marketing in China , library direct-supplying marketing has become a contest object for mid-bookmen , such as Xinhua Bookstore , civilian bookmen and publishing companies etc.


  5. At the beginning of the 20th century , the copyright disputes between Chinese and foreign bookmen , mainly fell into two kinds : 1.the disputes which were produced because of the translation and publication of foreign language books ;
