- abbr.波尔;bolus (Latin=large pill) (拉丁语)大药丸

BOL devices and ordinary optical glass have different Abbe number and relative aberration .
When Bol walked into the factory office to ask far job , he had
Manute Bol played ten years in the National Basketball Association .
That year , Manute Bol broke his neck in a car accident .
The son of a Venezuelan aristocrat , Bol í var received a European education .
E-commerce as one of the earliest cultivated , China 's first e-commerce site BOL was Dangdang , excellent left behind .
Manute Bol is so skinny they save money on road trips .
In the NBA , Manute Bol averaged less than three points a game on offense .
From the very first day of announcement of BOL , certain elements have started campaigning against Axact and BOL .
The high and low-dosage of BOL was administered by gastric gavage and penicillin V was used for the positive medicine .
If you sing this song once a day , you will always remember the sequence of Chinese dynasties , Professor Bol says on the video .
The scandal has cast a cloud over Bol , the Axact television and newspaper group that had planned to begin broadcasting in June .
Manute Bol was born in southern Sudan .
Bol í var had long been the object of an official , quasi-religious cult in Venezuela - but a conservative one .
Faced with shortages of many goods , including hard currency , Mr Maduro devalued the bol í var by 32 % in February .
The accuracy of the methods is also intensively studied . The simulating results show that the localization accuracy of the TOL algorithm is better than that of the BOL algorithm .
TIME : You said recently that you believe the " Bol í var Doctrine is finally replacing the Monroe Doctrine " on your watch . Why ?
Bol Agoot is a25-year old economics student at Nairobi University and a native of Southern Kordofan , one of the disputed areas .
For almost two years now , Axact has been building a broadcast studio and aggressively recruiting prominent journalists for Bol , a television and newspaper group scheduled to start this year .
In this paper , the Bear Only Localization ( BOL ) algorithm for bistatic sonar is presented . The localization accuracy of the algorithm for different baseline length and bear measurement error is studied .
The process of sport service production , exchange and consumption is the same process of BOL During the course of exchange , producers should attach importance to improve their level of production and creation of immaterial substance .
By chiseling a BOL on a surface of a lens , a apochromatic system is composed , which actualizes the system 's apochromatism , as well as revising primary aberration .
In2003 , a PGM-FI equipped with environmentally friendly technology , in2005 , CB1300 SUPER BOL D'OR , and enhance the safety of the type of additional models equipped with ABS .
BOL has addressed this in the past and the following link on its website gives details of these defamation and other criminal activities and how Axact and BOL have addressed these legally .
Hence Express Media Group to counter the success of BOL and to circumvent the court order has got this story published via its partner NYT in collaboration with some reporter called Declan Walsh .
The bigger question in the months ahead will be how much will survive of Mr Ch á vez 's " Bolivarian revolution , " named for Sim ó n Bol í var , South America 's Venezuelan-born independence hero .
It should be noted that the announcement of BOL as a positive and pro-Pakistan channel in Pakistan who cares for its employees has shaken these traditional media houses who have promoted hatred , despair , negativity and hopelessness in Pakistan .
Functional diversity is the prominent advantage of BOL . Especially , the function of document of title can not only realize the negotiability of transported cargo recorded in the BOL , but also collateralize BOL in documentary credit and maritime trade financing .