
美 [ˈbɑːɡlɪŋ]英 [ˈbɒɡlɪŋ]
  • v.(因吃惊而)不知所措,犹豫不决
  • boggle的现在分词



  • 1
    V-ERG (思想)困惑;使无法想象;使难以理解
    If you say that the mind boggles at something or that something boggles the mind, you mean that it is so strange or amazing that it is difficult to imagine or understand.

    The mind boggles at the possibilities that could be in store for us...


  1. Beyond that , the international dimensions of finance are mind - boggling .


  2. It is simply mind boggling to contemplate the future of education on the internet .


  3. If you can palm a card you can perform this mind boggling effect !


  4. In a dark wall partition for10 years without moving , it is impossible and mind boggling .


  5. To be serious again , I find it mind boggling that your supplier would even take that discussion with you .


  6. Third , you 'll have the vertiginous sensation of your mind boggling .


  7. It is mind boggling to think that with the huge amount of disk space we have today , it still seems like it 's not enough .


  8. Eventually you will think ," I 'll never get this game !" Conventional methods are notorious for emphasizing technical skills and making the whole learning process mind boggling !


  9. The forced pomp , the moneyed campaigns , the boggling repetition of dozens of awards fetes could jaundice any eye .


  10. " The mind now boggling at all the numbers on the table , both sides agreed to a recess of an hour "( Henry A.Kissinger )


  11. The temperature and pressure necessary for diamonds to crystallize are mind boggling : the temperature must be over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit , and the pressure must be at least 690000 pounds per square inch .


  12. The temperature and pressure necessary for diamonds to crystalize are mind boggling : the temperature must be over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit , and the pressure must be at least 690,000 pounds per square inch .


  13. Another user , who gave up on the game , wrote : " Someone be a little s -- t and inbox me to spoil it , it 's been boggling my head all day . "
