- n.(短时间的)狂热行动,大吃大喝
- v.大吃大喝;狂欢作乐
- binge的第三人称单数和复数

N-COUNT 放纵;无节制
If you go on a binge, you do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating, or spending money.She went on occasional drinking binges.
VERB 放纵;不加节制
If you binge, you do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating, or spending money.I haven't binged since 1986...
When she 's depressed she binges on chocolate .
She went on occasional drinking binges .
Does your man disappear on drinking binges for long hours without answering his cell phone ?
Anderson started out on his alcoholic binges at quite an early age .
One man binges as a way of accepting the love of his big Italian-American family .
Both binges ended badly , as companies sold their stakes at a loss and bolted for home .
The English-speaking countries are widely perceived to be down and out after housing binges and financial busts .
What is needed instead is a way of catching people like Mr Cummings before they go on their " optimistic " binges .
She binges about once a month and is stone-cold sober the rest of the time .
Scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and another institution recently experimented with exercise to counter such post -- study food binges .
A colleague of mine in his early30s with chronic diabetes nevertheless continued his business-based drinking binges .
Policy makers have also shown that they understand the need for China 's growth model to move away from the credit-fuelled investment binges of the past , and that this means structurally lower growth .
What are some healthful ways to boost your emotional state without resorting to cigarettes , alcohol , food binges , credit card abuse , or anything else with negative consequences ?
Third , absorbing and understanding the essence of disturbance coefficient ideology , taking the fuzzy math as a tool , the writer binges forward the fuzzy - disturbance method for the hazard space division .
Watch out for addictions such as alcohol and tobacco , as well as overeating or sugar binges and the many other things that people use to numb out in busy times .
An actual visit from a Faraway Friend is a cause for celebration and binges of all kinds . Cigarettes , Chips Ahoy , bottles of tequila.the Former Friend .
In 2010 , officers vowed that anti-social behaviour would not be tolerated and told the infamous drinking societies which organise all-day binges that they risked breaking the law .
The making of the film seemed to mimic the character of Kurtz and his slow descent into insanity as actors went on crazed drug binges with too much free time on their hands .
But the baby boom generation , free of the scars of the Depression - and lured by the why-wait , buy-now culture fostered by credit cards - went on buying binges .
America 's first family has its share of parenting headaches with George Bush 's twin daughters acting out their resentment at his chosen career with underage drinking binges and other escapades .
They mismanaged their public finances and delayed economic reforms needed to strengthen competitiveness . They tolerated private sector debt binges and reckless bank lending . They let at least one country – Greece – adopt the euro before it was ready .
A Faraway Friend calls late at night , invites you to her wedding , always says she is coming to visit but rarely shows up . An actual visit from a Faraway Friend is a cause for celebration and binges of all kinds .