- 网络自增长

Bulk copy into a table with bigint columns is not supported for Downlevel clients .
However , the resulting datatype from arithmetic computations using INTEGER / BIGINT versus DECIMAL must be considered when making this decision .
Note that this atomic domain is defined as DOUBLE , while the data type for the database column ( determined using reverse engineering ) is a BIGINT .
For processing efficiency and possible space savings , consideration should be given to replacing DECIMAL ( x , 0 ) data types with INTEGER or BIGINT .
The table has a row change timestamp column : A ROW CHANGE TOKEN expression returns a BIGINT value derived from the timestamp value in the column .
You need to be careful and ensure that primary key , foreign key or index columns are declared as DECIMAL ( 31 ) or BIGINT in DB2 .
The table does not have a row change timestamp column : A ROW CHANGE TOKEN expression returns a derived BIGINT value that is shared by all rows located on the same page .