- abbr.(国际电信卫星组织)理事会财务部(Board of Governors Financial)

The deadline expired in April for the group to transform into BGF .
Only the Kalobaw strategic command refuses to accept BGF .
In almost every case , the cease-fire groups either rejected the BGF plan outright and called for certain conditions to be met .
It has said the agreement will be revoked if the junta tries to achieve its BGF goal by force .
He said the UWSA would be outlawed if it did not join the BGF by September .
He tried to persuade the Colonel to agree to BGF but failed , a DKBA officer said .
Firstly , this paper introduces the IN and IP network interworking model , and describes the function of an important function entity , C / BGF , in this model .
With agreement on the BGF issue appearing ever less likely , the Burmese regime has started to reinforce its troops along the ceasefire group fronts .
After we left the BGF I argued with Major General Chit Thu about why we were leaving . I 've lost contact with him now .
Due to the split among its forces over the BGF issue , however , it is uncertain how many troops will continue to fight alongside junta troops in the future .
Although the junta will sideline the BGF issue for the time being , representatives of the cease-fire groups said they expect the regime to come after them using different tactics .
According to sources close to the UWSA , Ye Myint reiterated that the group must become part of the BGF before elections are held on Nov.7 .
The experimental research was conducted on two controlled - release fertilizers of BHM and BGF . The results showed that the controlled - release fertilizers had obvious better nutrient controlled - release effects .
But now all were only required by the military junta to transform themselves into the junta run forces known as Border Guard Forces ( BGF ) before its general elections .
Despite their reluctance to join the BGF , however , most groups have offered assurances that they will not separate from the Union and that they accept the one nation , one army concept .
The junta has been trying to convince several ethnic cease-fire groups to join ranks with its BGF , but most groups have either rejected or are yet to respond to the proposal .
Maj-Gen Soe Win , the commander of the Northern Regional Military Command , also called last week on the KIO to hold BGF talks in Myitkyina , the capital of Kachin State .
Most of ethnic cease-fire groups , including the United Wa State Army and the KIO , have been resisting the junta 's plan for disarming the ethnic armies and transforming them into BGF units .
By using the BGI GENE FINDER ( BGF ) server to scan from the existing silkworm genome sequences , the coverage of which was 6 ×, we got a protein database B , in which the total number of records is 14,632 .
The Mon cease-fire group , the New Mon State Party ( NMSP ), announced at a press conference on Friday evening that the party has rejected both the junta 's border guard force ( BGF ) and militia proposals .