- v.订婚,许配
- betroth的现在分词

The act of betrothing or the fact of being betrothed .
" Free body " be can with free associate with you , did not get married , did not betroth , have no fixed partner , did not go to bed with other people , single , only and person whom you associate .
It is your daughter betroth only my thing , want to let me come home , discussed ability to decide with the wife .
I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness : and thou shalt know the LORD .
But am betroth 'd unto your enemy ;
We would get into two groups , each supposed to be a family , then each family would have to betroth a girl so we could perform a marriage ceremony .
Hos2:20 I will betroth you in faithfulness , and you will acknowledge the LORD .
I will betroth you to me forever ; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice , in love and compassion .
Families in villages would betroth their children , at birth sometimes , and have a formal ceremony after both attained puberty , when the girl went to live with her husband 's family .
B ajie : Heyhey , brother and I will follow our master to go to the West , please take good care of Miss gao , don 't betroth her to others !
If a man betroth a girl to his son , and his son have intercourse with her , but he afterward defile her , and be surprised , then he shall be bound and cast into the water .