- n.闺蜜;死党;好哥们儿

So if you 're in the city , head to a yoga retreat or spend the weekend at a spa in the country ; if you 're in a small town , party in Austin or Miami with your bestie .
Hey . The first one 's for my bestie ,
I 'm so down.My bestie lied to me yesterday !
Taylor Swift fans are feeling shocked and appalled that bestie Karlie Kloss seems to have dissed the singer .
Javier , my wannabe bestie , this is Emily , my actual bestie .
There 's also a regular slot called " ChummyChatter , " which involves Zoella and her " bestie " Louise exchanging tips about key issues such as friendship , body image , boys , and whether to go to university .
It was a little jarring to see the ginger megastar - a Taylor Swift bestie with copious tattoos - wearing armor and a red cape passing around blackberry wine and a charred rodent .
It 's someone not far from the last person who comes to mind when you think " soul-baring bestie . " " It 's Robert freaking De Niro , portrayer of psychos , savages and grouches no more .