
美 [ˈbiːtʃhed]英 [ˈbiːtʃhed]
  • n.(军队的)滩头堡,滩头阵地

复数: beachheads



a strong position on a beach from which an army that has just landed prepares to go forward and attack

see also bridgehead



  • 1
    N-COUNT 滩头阵地;登陆场;滩头堡
    A beachhead is an area of land next to the sea or a river where an attacking force has taken control and can prepare to advance further inland.


an initial accomplishment that opens the way for further developments
the town became a beachhead in the campaign to ban smoking outdoors
they are presently attempting to gain a foothold in the Russian market
Synonym: foothold
a bridgehead on the enemy's shoreline seized by an amphibious operation
the Germans were desperately trying to contain the Anzio beachhead


  1. General Lucas confined himself to occupying his beachhead and having equipment and vehicles brought ashore .


  2. And , if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion , let both sides join in creating a new endeavor not a new balance of power ,


  3. They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead .


  4. After then control the distribution beachhead of enterprises , finally estimate to the cooperation effect .


  5. The troops quickly established a beachhead and were preparing to advance .


  6. The American forces suffered heavy casualties on this beachhead .


  7. However , Microsoft did not timely at this time to seize the beachhead Internet .


  8. Definitely , advertising is a vital tool to conquer the beachhead of the international market .


  9. The Chinese are also interested in using Poland as a beachhead for penetration of the larger EU market .


  10. As an important beachhead in Northeast Asia exchanges , the training of northeast China personnel in the direction and level .


  11. They have moved abroad with " beachhead " offices that serve existing clients who do business around the world .


  12. The Choice of Beachhead in Campaign Layout


  13. Establishing a beachhead in a market dominated by such giants required more power than CLP could muster .


  14. Although turbines are bulky and hard to transport , Chinese manufacturers are beginning to build beachheads in export markets .


  15. A whole battalion , onto the beachhead , over the top ( Margaret Atwood )


  16. A building boom replaced empty factories with office and apartment towers ; companies from nearby Japan made Dalian a beachhead for investment in China .


  17. You 've got4 hours to break through to that beachhead down here .


  18. The shift has helped established a beachhead for local automakers , according to Bill Russo , a Shanghai-based consultant .


  19. The Japanese Consulate in Zhengzhou set up in early 1931 is an important beachhead of Japan to pervade into the Chinese hinterland .


  20. Helicopters from a carrier could provide support to potential amphibious operations ; fixed-wing aircraft operating from a carrier could provide greater air defense over a potential beachhead .


  21. Google has made it clear that it views its presence on mobile devices as an important strategic beachhead , even if the revenue it brings in today is relatively small .


  22. Many of Cisco 's moves are thus about building beachheads for platforms , says James Staten of Forrester Research , a firm of consultants .


  23. Eisenhower and Montgomery arrived on board of a destroyer at the Omaha beachhead that caused heavy casualties to the Allies .


  24. Large transport ships of the Americans brought the heavy equipment that was to be employed for the fighting in the depth after the landing forces secured the beachheads .


  25. Yang Hua , CNOOC president , said yesterday that Bridas had world-class oil and gas assets and was a good beachhead for us to enter Latin America .


  26. The reasons that social resources are limited and that the able persons should be equally adopted and that the modern physical distribution inevitably come into being had decided that enterprises must reform distribution beachheads .


  27. In the first stage , missioners came to the Portuguese commercial beachheads along the coast of Canton and waited for a suitable chance to enter Canton city .


  28. At the same time , in the pressure of financial disintermediation , the personal financial services market with its huge profits , attracting commercial bank , also to attract foreign banks to this market beachhead .


  29. More importantly , this transaction as we established a bridgehead and overseas market beachhead , for a dependent on consumer business , build brand is very important , and it is quite difficult .


  30. They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead . A company of enemy force was caught in our cross fire and was wiped out right away .
