
美 [beɪd]英 [beɪd]
  • v.(尤指捕猎时)发出长嗥,低沉地吠叫;厉声强要
  • bay的过去分词和过去式



  • 1
    N-COUNT 湾;海湾
    A bay is a part of a coast where the land curves inwards.

    ...a short ferry ride across the bay.


  • 2
    N-COUNT (建筑物的)开间,隔间
    A bay is a partly enclosed area, inside or outside a building, that is used for a particular purpose.

    The animals are herded into a bay, then butchered...


  • 3
    N-COUNT (飞机或船只的)货舱,分隔舱
    On an aircraft or ship, a bay is a section that is used for carrying cargo or equipment. the cargo bays of aircraft.


  • 4
    N-COUNT (建筑物的)凸出部分;(尤指)飘窗,凸窗
    A bay is an area of a room which extends beyond the main walls of a house, especially an area with a large window at the front of a house.

  • 5
    ADJ (马)棕红色的
    A bay horse is reddish-brown in colour.

  • 6
    VERB 大声疾呼;强烈要求
    If a number of people are baying for something, they are demanding something angrily, usually that someone should be punished.

    The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty.


  • 7
    VERB (犬)连续吠;(狼)连续嚎叫
    If a dog or wolf bays, it makes loud, long cries.

    A dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.


  • 8
    See also:sick bay

  • 9
    PHRASE 使…不能靠近;防止…侵袭
    If you keep something or someone at bay, or hold them at bay, you prevent them from reaching, attacking, or affecting you.

    Eating oranges keeps colds at bay...


  1. Dogs bayed at the moon .


  2. His family educational thought was bayed on the Confucianism .


  3. I just simply stood pale , silent , bayed about .


  4. The dogs ran mad and bayed the sky .


  5. Resign , of course , bayed the opposition parties and other commentators in an ecstasy of schadenfreude .


  6. Babbitty fled from the bush , and the Brigade of Witch-Hunters set off in pursuit , unleashing their hounds , who bayed for Babbitty 's blood .


  7. Before Mandela in a ramshackle stadium in one of Johannesburg 's desolate townships , thousands of " comrades " rattled makeshift weapons and bayed for revenge .
