- adj.向外弯曲的;罗圈的
- bandy的比较级

Mr Bandier is among them .
But they don 't get the benefit of that brand in terms of touring and merchandise , says Martin Bandier , chief executive of Sony / ATV Music Publishing .
Were it not for the long hair he wore in his youth Marty Bandier might have missed out on a car & # 172 ; eer in music publishing .
Rarely photographed without a beaming smile and a big cigar , Mr Bandier was reunited with EMI Music Publishing three years ago when a Sony-led consortiumacquired it for $ 2.2bn .
Mr Bandier is pushing for the ability to negotiate royalty rates with other streaming services too , but , under the current system , Sony / ATV would have to resign its memberships of Ascap and BMI before it could do so .
The hair may have marked the young New Yorker out as a potential music fan , but Mr Bandier admits he was a novice when it came to its publishing law and licensing . " I had no clue what it was all about . "