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  1. Determination of TiAl / B4C Composite Ceramic Sintering Process Parameters


  2. B4C / PP blended fibre is an important neutron shielding composite material .


  3. The process of electroless Ni - P - B4C plating is determined primarily .


  4. Rheological behavior of pp / b4c blend system


  5. The mechanical properties of B4C / Al composite prepared by pressureless infiltration technology were tested .


  6. Metal hardness and wear-resistance were increased with the increase of B4C , Fe and graphite .


  7. Laser ablation test shows that the laser irradiation resistance is improved significantly for stainless steel after being deposited by B4C coating .


  8. X-ray diffraction analysis results show that the BCx coating consists of B4C and pyrolytic carbon with a high degree of graphitization .


  9. In this paper , the Ni-badsed alloy coating and Ni-based alloy / B4C coating have been obtained by laser cladding .


  10. Using sintered B4C as target material , ternary BCN thin films were synthesized by means of pulsed laser deposition assisted by nitrogen ion beam .


  11. The results show that the flexibility strength and the fracture toughness of B4C / Al composite is greatly improved compared with those of monolithic boron carbide .


  12. After conforming the minimum bilayers number , W / B4C broadband multilayers have been designed successfully by using a global optimization algorithm : Genetic Algorithms .


  13. Phase , grain size , fracture mechanism of ZrB2 / B4C ceramic materials are investigated by X-ray diffraction , scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) .


  14. Reaction-bonded B4C / SiC was fabricated by gel-casting using silicon carbide , boron carbide and carbon black as raw materials in this subject .


  15. Analyzing to the interface condition shows that the combination of B4C / Al interface is better than those of SiC / Al and Al 2O3 / Al .


  16. The reaction diffusion path demonstrated by the diffusion couple is : Ti / TiCx / TiB / TiB2 / B4C .


  17. The mechanical test of the composites fabricated in different infiltration time and made of different aluminum alloys prove that in the selected technology conditions , the B4C / A1 composites have a better mechanical properties .


  18. Results obtained show that there is no distinct B2O3 in the VPS B4C coating , indicating that the oxidation of B4C can be avoided during VPS process .


  19. After accomplishing the calibration of deposition rate and minimum thickness experiments , we have successfully fabricated W / B4C broadband multilayer at Cu K α radiation ( 0.154nm ) .


  20. The flexibility strength and fracture toughness of B4C / Al composite respectively increase 18.39 % , 75.27 % . But the hardness of B4C / Al composite decreases compared with monolithic boron carbide .


  21. On the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Spectroscopy ( XFAS ) beam line , the W / B4C multilayer film was used as the monochromator instead of the crystal for the XFAS experiment .


  22. From optical characteristics of materials based on the atomic scattering factor , the thesis introduces the reflectivity characteristic of X-ray from ideal and nonideal interface , discusses the method of selecting and confirming materials W 、 B4C for broadband multilayer .


  23. In order to verify the theory of the interface roughness of W / B4C multilayers varying with its bi-layer number , the interface roughness of about the top 100 bi-layers were characterized by using the X-ray scattering measurement method .


  24. The density , flexure strength and fracture toughness of B4C / ( W , Ti ) C ceramic composites continuously increased with increasing ( W , Ti ) C content , while the hardness decreased with increasing ( W , Ti ) C content .


  25. The analyses of B4C / Al composite by using the fracture SEM and the back-scattering equipment show that , the microstructure of B4C / Al composite prepared by pressureless infiltration technology is more evenly distributed and compacted without large size defects of microstructure .
