
Some countries use as much as50 kilograms of paper for each person in a year .
Another project in China focuses on increasing the efficiency of coal-fired plants by as much as50 percent .
Success for a surgical procedure has been defined as50 % of excess weight lost .
Where this is not possible , it may be necessary to reduce the maximum velocity by as much as50 % .
There is also usually an initial mild cough , but as many as50 % of patients can present phlegm .
One well-known source has cited that a synchronized method call is as much as50 times slower than an unsynchronized method call .
GFI saw its shares tumble as much as50 % Monday amid rumors of possible trading losses .
According to a company news release , as many as50 % of chronic NSAID users are at risk for gastrointestinal ulcers .
For instance , in my other tests , the threhold can as low as50 .
They expect to train as many as50 fire and rescue personnel from the region who will then become the trainers back at their departments .
Robust evidence exists that HCAI can be prevented and the burden reduced by as much as50 % or more .
To further reduce the risk , the capacitors are available with polymer terminations , which increase board flex by as much as50 % .
So food grown without conventional chemical pesticides , fertilizers and lacking additives is popular despite the fact that it costs as much as50 percent more .
In other countries where number portability has been introduced , in contrast , annualised " churn " rates can be as high as50 % .
As many as50 new installations sizable ones were already on the drawing board when Yarter and his team kicked off the Blue Insight project .
Under the condition that each co-aggregate contains one A_n and one E_n molecules , the efficiency of energy transfer is as high as50 % .
Thomas said that some predictions about the effect of warming on malaria incidence may be wrong by as much as50 – 100 per cent because of these findings .
If you could go as high as50 to100 percent more and still not be satisfied , then money isn 't the problem and more of it won 't make you feel better .
The product competes with other birth control methods , most notably male condoms , which can cost as little as50 cents each amid a variety of competing brands .
Inserting a shunt may be the only way to avoid a major stroke ; the risk of major stroke in this patient category after carotid clamping may be as high as50 % .
Sometimes a lot-for instance , you might see an impedance result of anywhere from one to as much as50 ohms from a particular speaker design within it 's normal operating frequency range .
Your head should be covered while exercising in the cold , because heat loss from the head and neck may be as much as50 percent of the total heat being lost by your body .
Generally , the SFM is taken as100 when machining cold-rolled or mild steel , as50 when machining tougher metals , and as200 when machining softer materials .
Polar bears are champion long-distance swimmers among land mammals , and it is not uncommon to find them at sea as far as50 miles from land or an ice floe .
Casualties were reported as50 tanks and120 pick-up trucks launched three attacks on the rebel-held town50km ( 30 miles ) west of the capital , Tripoli .
In well-off countries , fewer than five percent of children under the age of five are malnourished ; in poorer countries , as many as50 percent of the children suffer from eating too little food .
That business now has270,000 users ( 1,000 new ones every day ), has raised $ 7.5 million in funding and plans to expand from its current seven employees to as many as50 in the next two years .
Beer yeast is of abundant nutrition with the contents of proteins and yeast amylose as50 % and25 % ? 30 % respectively . Besides , it also contains abundant vitamins and mineral materials .
Despite the quickly-approaching Olympic Games , the cost for short-term housing near the Bird 's Nest during the Games has plummeted as much as50 % , with room for negotiation , according to statistics .
He also attached to that to buy in the United States to adapt the engine of his car as long as18 pounds , and in the UK has to buy engines and transmission as long as50 pounds .