- n.热情;激情

- feelings of great warmth and intensity
- he spoke with great ardor
- Synonym: ardor fervor fervour fervency fire fervidness
- intense feeling of love
- Synonym: ardor
- a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)
- they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor
- he felt a kind of religious zeal
- Synonym: ardor elan zeal
His eyes were bright with ardour and indignation .
His ardour cooled after only a few weeks .
Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour , the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations .
They showed great ardour for the cause of helping deprived children .
He puts great ardour into his singing .
He carried out the task with ardour .
All he had was a little experience in life , some knowledge derived from books , and the ardour of youth .
He criticized them for lack of revolutionary ardour .
His ardour for the cause inspired his followers .
Natasha , too , suddenly set to work with the ardour that was characteristic of her in all she did .
The seductive dolce far niente sort of life is fatal to his military ardour .
Nothing daunted the ardour of the merchant navy .
THE dismal labour market has not sapped the government 's ardour for welfare reform , nor that of voters .
As another man has an ardour for art or music , or natural science , Mr. Pen said that anthropology was his favourite pursuit .
Warnings of the social ills of excessive viewing of Korean dramas have failed to cool Chinese viewers " ardour , however .
I saw him go to sermon , full of devout zeal , strengthening his reason with the ardour of his love .
And taken , in a lifetime 's death in love , Ardour and selflessness and self-surrender .
But it was only the hairdresser curling the young gentlemen , and over & heating his tongs in the ardour of business .
The Ardour of Interpretation and the Breaking out of Criticism & A brief review of Reading on the Text and Interpretation on the Art by DAI Guan-qing ;
Not only can it consummate the traditional way for the articulation of interests , but also it can waken the ardour of people to be concerned with the politics farthest .
In people 's ardour to rebuild , once-taboo ideas are emerging on how to reform and deregulate not just the damaged areas but the country at large ( see article ) .
The article elaborates the library 's open-shelf of the current periodicals has provided the readers convenience , shortens the distance of the current periodicals with the readers and fires the ardour of reading .
If our lives are dominated by a search for happiness , then perhaps few activities reveal as much about the dynamics of this quest in all its ardour and paradoxes than our travels .
Through the investigation of these object images ' meaning , his contradictory life phenomenon as a poet and a politician is shown to disclose his extraordinary personal charm , his ardour life shine and his characteristic life world .
I shall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other cause , if I can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue , and confidence to truth . ( No.208 ) .
Every time she held the skimmer under the pump to cool it for the work her hand trembled , the ardour of his affection being so palpable that she seemed to flinch under it like a plant in too burning a sun .
He was exactly formed to engage Marianne 's heart , for with all this , he joined not only a person , but a natural ardour of mind which was now roused and increased by the example of her own , and which recommended him to her affection beyond every thing else .
Lu has been most admired for the ardour of his patriotic poems , in which he protested the Jin invasion of Song in 1126 , the year after his birth , and chided the Southern Song court for its passive attitude toward driving out the invaders and reconquering its lost northern territories .